Caucasian hellebore - application and contraindications

Traditional medicine has many recipes that involve the use of poisonous herbs. Today one of the most popular plants is Caucasian hellebore - the use and contraindications of this remedy are known to medicine for more than 60 years. And the opinions of graduates and herbalists are fundamentally different.

Application of grass hellebore caucasian

With a therapeutic purpose, the rhizomes of the plant under consideration are used. They are rich in 2 types of glycosides - korelborin II and korelborinom K.

These compounds contribute to a strong stimulation of the heart muscle, in addition they produce the following effects:

Also, glycosides affect the metabolism in the body, which helps get rid of excess kilograms.

As a medicine, an aqueous tincture of the hellebore of the Caucasus is being prepared. In the evening it is necessary to pour a portion of crushed roots with a small amount of water (30-100 ml) and leave overnight. In the morning the solution is carefully mixed and drunk at a salvo, on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast after 1 hour. An alternative way is to brew raw materials with boiling water in similar proportions. In this case, food intake is allowed in 10-15 minutes.

Dosage of hellebore is divided into several periods during a 6-month course of therapy. The first 10 days it is 50 mg, in the following decades the dose is doubled, and so every 10 days, until the portion reaches a maximum of 200 mg.

When the six-month treatment ends, it is recommended to take a break for 1 month and repeat the course.

According to the recommendations of manufacturers, Caucasian hellebore is shown in such diseases:

Contraindications to the use of the Caucasian hellebore

Abstain from the treatment of the examined herbal remedies are advised to pregnant and lactating women, children.

Also, grass roots can not be taken with very large stones in the bile or bladder.

The opinion of doctors about the application of the root of the hellebore of the Caucasus

Traditional medicine is extremely negative about the use of the drug.

According to the research of the Ministry of Health, as well as numerous pharmacological examinations, Caucasian hellebore and other varieties belong to extremely poisonous and dangerous plants. Raw materials from them are not allowed to use either as a medicine or as a food additive. Annotations compiled by manufacturers of such drugs are unfounded, as they are not supported by any official and scientific data.

The reception of the hellebore is fraught with consequences:

The main active ingredient of the agent, corellarin, refers to glycosides. These substances are used only in cardiological practice in severe heart failure under the careful supervision of a specialist, as they accumulate in the body. In the sixties, even on the basis of the Caucasian hellebore, even a medicament was made-Korelborin, but it was almost immediately withdrawn from production because of the high toxicity and too little difference between therapeutic and life-threatening dosage.

Thus, it is better to abandon the use of the considered plant. There are safer ways to improve health and lose weight.