Dough for profiteroles

Profiteroles are a small cake, the name of which comes from the word "profitable", ie. profitable. Some beginning culinary experts are wondering what dough is used for profiteroles, because they are obtained by such light, airy. And the most important thing inside is a cavity, which can easily be filled with salty and sweet fillings .

The secret of the custard batter is that it is able to retain more water in it than the usual one. And thanks to this, when baking, water turns into steam and becomes the driving force that lifts the dough so well.

Today, our article is devoted to the fact that we will tell you all the secrets of the test for preparing profiteroles.

Cooking test for eclairs and profiteroles

In this test it is very important to observe the proportions. The only product that can not be measured unequivocally is eggs. Because they come in different varieties and sizes. In this case, eggs are added one at a time, and the latter is generally whipped and poured into half. It is possible that half of the fifth egg is also needed. You need to look for consistency. Another secret is the addition of milk. You can take in half the water with milk, then the consistency of the finished profiteroles will be gentle, and the color is more golden.



On the stove put dishes with water, add salt, sugar and oil. Bring to the boil, it is very important that until the boiling dissolved salt with sugar and melted butter. Let's pee for a minute, so that the oil is well mixed with water and an emulsion is obtained. We sift the flour to saturate the air (so it will be easier to mix) and get rid of foreign impurities. We reduce the heat and pour the flour in one fell swoop, stirring intensively with the spatula. We grind it to a uniform texture and then dry it for a short time to remove the water unbound from the flour, until the dough starts to give the flour, i. E. at the bottom there will be a light flour coating. The dough is ready when completely behind the walls of the dishes.

We need to cool it lightly and add eggs one by one rubbing movements. First, the dough is divided into flakes, do not worry, we knead further down to homogeneity, and so every egg. If you pour out all at once you can get lumps, from which it will be hard to get rid of. If you use kitchen appliances, remember that you can not whip strongly, otherwise the dough will be enriched with air and will explode when baked.

If the dough hangs from the shoulder blade with a triangle and becomes glossy, then it is ready and more eggs are not needed. If the eggs are overdone and the dough is liquid, the situation can be corrected by adding a small amount of the custard. Leaf slightly wet and cover with baking paper, so she will not drive. Dough can be spread with a confectionery bag, package or just with spoons. It depends on the required size and shape. The main thing is to leave a decent distance between the blanks. When baking profiteroles will increase in size by half.

In order not to have spouts that are formed when the dough is planted, you can put your finger in the water and crush it. We place sheet in an already hot oven heated to 200 degrees.

So bake 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 160 degrees and prepare another quarter of an hour. In no case should you not open the oven for at least twenty minutes, otherwise the profiteroles will fall and the situation will be impossible to correct. The eclairs must be inflated and gilded. Bake them almost impossible, so if in doubt, hold for another five minutes.

Another secret is that it is necessary to fill profiteroles with cold and cold stuffing, otherwise they will just soften.