Cake of cookies and condensed milk

Simple cakes without baking are not only a worthy specimen in the list of express recipes, but also an illustrative example of how not using an oven and, frankly speaking, not being endowed with culinary talents, you can build a delicious treat, while spending a minimum of funds. In the recipes, we will learn how to make a dessert of cookies and condensed milk, which will save your time and energy.

Biscuit cake with condensed milk

Being a vivid representative of American cuisine, cheesecake has gained a leading position in the lists of the world's most popular desserts. Well, is it true when the phrase "cake from a cookie" first comes to mind is not a crusty shortbread, along with a delicate curd filling?



We begin to prepare the dessert from the sandy cake. For the cake, skip the pastry through a meat grinder or beat it with a blender into a crumb, then mix with the melted butter and compact into a cake mold, evenly covering its bottom and walls. Cover the form with a coriander food film and leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

During this time, it is necessary to wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve and combine it with condensed milk. In the filling for our cheesecake for flavor will also go vanilla, cinnamon and mandarin zest. By combining all the ingredients, the mixture can be distributed on a sand basis and again put the dessert in the refrigerator for an hour.

Before serving, the cake of cookies and condensed milk should be poured with melted milk chocolate.

Cookie cake with boiled condensed milk

Desserts were never so simple! Only three ingredients and an hour later on your table will be a full-fledged ice cream cake with a layer of chocolate biscuits and condensed milk for sweeties with experience.



We prepare the form for the future cake, covering it with food film. At the bottom of the form put half the cookies and cover it with half of soft ice cream. Repeat the cookie layer, but this time we cover it with boiled condensed milk. Spread the final layer of ice cream and sprinkle the dessert with the crumbs from the pastry. We leave the cake frozen in the freezer for about an hour, and then we serve it on the table.

Cookie cake with condensed milk

A cake with condensed milk comes from childhood - a delicacy is not the most useful, but certainly one of the most delicious and revered by many. A minimum of products and efforts for an amazing result - we like this cooking!



Cover the rectangular shape with parchment. Chocolate is mixed with butter and put on a melted bathhouse. The melted chocolate is poured into the condensed milk. In the received weight we put sifted cocoa powder and again all is properly mixed. A few spoons of chocolate mixture distribute the first layer of our cake on the bottom of the prepared mold. We spread the pieces of cookies close to each other. Repeat the layer of chocolate mixture and again the layer of cookies. So, repeating the procedure, fill the form to the very edges, leaving the chocolate layer last. We put the cake in the fridge and leave it there until it is completely solidified, after which we extract, decorate with melted white chocolate and immediately serve it to the table - the delicacy does not like heat.