Diet with erosive gastritis - an approximate menu

Erosive gastritis is a serious disease that requires complex treatment. An important component of therapy is proper nutrition, without which it is impossible to recover. The diet with erosive gastritis of the stomach is prolonged and it will have to be observed for at least a month, and then, for several years, you will have to adhere to a gentle diet until complete cure.

Diet with acute erosive gastritis

To properly develop a menu, you need to consider the existing principles of nutrition in this disease:

  1. To give preference stands food, which is easily digested and is not heavy for the stomach. It is important to avoid fats, strong broths, green and raw vegetables.
  2. The diet menu for erosive gastritis should not be too modest and give preference to fractional nutrition . Thanks to this, hunger will not be felt, and there will not be a lot of gastric juice.
  3. Portions should not be large and the optimal size is 200-300 g.
  4. You can not eat too hot or cold food, so the best option is to eat in a warm form.
  5. Chew food is recommended slowly and thoroughly.
  6. During the exacerbation it is important to give preference to boiled and stewed foods, and it is better if they are in liquid or ground form.

Sample diet menu with erosive gastritis

Own diet is worth developing, relying on existing rules. As an example, you can use this menu option:

  1. Breakfast: a serving of casseroles and unsweetened green tea .
  2. Snack: cocoa with a dried beef.
  3. Lunch: oat soup in grated form, boiled potatoes, chicken cutlets, steamed, and a decoction of dogrose.
  4. Snack: berry jelly.
  5. Dinner: vermicelli, cooked with the addition of butter and cheese, and a compote of dried fruits.
  6. Before going to sleep: 1 tbsp. kefir.