Diet in case of liver disease - what kind of food is useful and harmful for the liver?

When a disease of such a vital organ as a liver is diagnosed, it is necessary not only to follow the doctor's recommendations and apply all prescribed medications. To achieve the desired results in treatment, you need to know what kind of diet in case of liver disease and adhere to it.

Eating with a sick liver

What will be the health of this body, depends on the person, his way of life. Nutrition in case of liver disease plays an important role. Changing their own attitude to food, and following the recommendations of nutritionists, there are all chances to keep the body in excellent condition. There are diets and recommendations, thanks to which you can bring back to normal health. So you need to eat until the symptoms disappear:

  1. The menu should include different types of cereals. It is recommended to prepare them liquid. With the help of flour or low-fat cream, the soup is made more dense.
  2. It is not recommended to eat fried vegetables. Even in soups they should not be.
  3. Fish and meat should be cooked exclusively for a couple, or boiled in water without salt. To make the dishes more delicious, they are allowed to add greens.
  4. Cooked food should not be excessively hot or cold.

What does not love the liver from eating?

A healthy diet for the liver excludes a number of foods. When diseases of a vital organ should be abandoned:

The use of some of these foods can harm a healthy person, not to mention a sick person, so if a disease is diagnosed, it is important to eat properly, keep to a diet and forget about food hazardous to health. Otherwise, the condition of the body may worsen, and then even medical drugs will be powerless.

What food is good for the liver?

To feel healthy, you need to know everything about the proper nutrition for the liver. Nutritionists recommend that patients give preference:

All these products may not be familiar to the patient. However, a diet with liver disease will help improve the condition and restore the vital organ. Such food can become everyday, and even tasty for everyone. Here you can find meat, fish, and sweets, which many like very much - honey and marmalade. Small adjustments in the diet will help the body to become much healthier.

Diet for a sick liver

When diagnosing a disease, doctors immediately tell what should be the food for liver disease. Among the main principles:

  1. With acute hepatitis, the menu should be high-calorie - up to 2,500 kcal daily.
  2. You need small portions and often.
  3. Products are recommended to boil or wipe, so that there is no load on the liver.
  4. From fried, hot and cold it is better to refuse. Dishes are recommended warm.
  5. In the daily diet should be up to ninety grams of protein. In his absence, hepatic dystrophy may develop. Easily digested proteins are found in products such as cottage cheese and other dairy products.

Not taking into account the prevailing opinion of doctors, fats are not dangerous for the body. It is important here not to abuse, but to know the measure. If the disease is mild, you can consume up to ninety grams of fat throughout the day. Most of the fats are animal fats and about a third are vegetable fats. Adhering to a diet with liver disease, it is possible to increase the chances of a quick recovery.

Diet for cirrhosis of the liver

Cirrhosis of the liver distinguish between compensated and decompensated. Often, patients in the first case for many years do not notice problems with their health. Nutrition for liver cirrhosis of the first type should be enriched with protein from a record of 1.5 g per kilogram of weight. The menu should contain essential acids and substances that can prevent fatty infiltration. Usage allowed:

In portal cirrhosis, due to alcohol abuse, the dose of protein used should be increased. Enrich the diet with protein follows and in the presence of protein-vitamin deficiency and hepatitis. Thanks to such food, immunity will increase , cell regeneration is stimulated. Before changing the diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

With increased liver

With such a disease it is important to follow the recommendation of the attending physician and adhere to proper nutrition. Diet with a sick liver should help the body to become healthier and function fully. Products are allowed to cook for a couple or, as an option, boil, bake in the oven. Increase the immunity and enrich the body with vitamins will help rose hips, lemon and black currants. In addition, soups are very useful. With an enlarged liver, the use of low-fat meat is permissible.

Diet for obesity of the liver

In the menu suffering from fatty hepatosis should not be present alcohol, fatty, smoked, canned and fried foods. You should minimize the use of antibiotics. Diet for the liver should consist of:

Useful for the patient will be all those foods that have a low glycemic index. Recommended for obesity body diet pills with cereals and the first dishes from the diet of vegetarians. Food in this case should be light and at the same time useful, rich in vitamins and microelements. Adhering to such a diet, there is every chance to get rid of the disease.

Diet with stones in the liver

With such a disease as stones in the liver, it is important to take all necessary measures to restore the normal functioning of the body. To begin with, it is necessary to say goodbye to dangerous harmful habits - alcohol and smoking, to urgently correct food. An excellent option will be appointed by the attending physician diet. With this disease, the best food for the liver - fruits, vegetables, vegetable oils, low-fat varieties of fish, meat, soups. Timely changes in the direction of proper nutrition can help the body to mobilize forces in the fight against a dangerous disease.