Effective diet for 4 days

Diet is a great way to get in shape, but it's not easy to "sit" on a diet, it requires willpower and discipline. Diets can be different - complex and simple, expensive and economical, long-term and short-term. Not everyone will be able to strictly follow the dietary guidelines for a month, but an effective diet for 4 days will suit even those who do not have iron aging.

Unloading diet for 4 days, which we offer to you, is also called "acting", because it is used by actresses to quickly lose weight before filming or performing. It is also suitable for ordinary girls who can easily endure the diet for 4 days, and 4 kg of weight that have passed during this period, certainly will be a good incentive to keep themselves in shape.

Express diet for 4 days - detailed description

  1. On the first day you can eat only boiled, unsalted white rice, but in any quantities. You need to drink water or tomato juice.
  2. On the second day of the express diet, dairy products are allowed - fat-free cottage cheese and kefir. You can drink green unsweetened tea or water.
  3. Day three is slightly more varied in terms of diet - in the morning you need to drink a cup of green tea or a decoction of thyme, and the whole day there are low-fat boiled meat and raw vegetables.
  4. The fourth day - the most "hungry" and complex, during the day will have to drink a bottle of red dry wine with several small pieces of cheese (150 grams). It is better to guess the diet so that the fourth day falls on the day off, because on an empty stomach from wine you can quickly get drunk.

That's it, that's what a fast diet looks like for 4 days - four products and four kilograms of weight dropped during this period. Those who have experienced its effect on themselves, confirm that the weight goes away easily, and the resulting slenderness persists for a long time.