Diet for coffee

Diet for coffee suggests that the drink will be the basic component of your diet for 7-10 days. Longer to continue is not recommended, because it can adversely affect the health of blood vessels, heart and digestive organs. In addition, even for a few "coffee days", you can lose 3-4 kilograms of excess weight, because the drink excels the excess liquid perfectly, and the caffeine contained in it contributes to the splitting of fatty deposits.

One of the most popular options is a diet for coffee with milk. A drink with a beneficial additive is easier to digest and contains more valuable biological compounds.

Features of the diet:

What is a diet for coffee and orange?

You can replace milk with orange juice or with fresh fruit. But such a diet is not shown to everyone, it can not be used for people with gastrointestinal diseases, gall bladder, kidneys, allergies. The duration of the diet for coffee and oranges should not be more than 4 days.

Is a diet good for chocolate and coffee?

Delicious and, according to experts on nutrition, very useful is the coffee diet with chocolate. Sweets should be selected from bitter varieties, coffee to drink without sugar. One day you can completely limit yourself to food and drink only a drink with several slices of chocolate delicacy. The rest of the menu should also include sour-milk products, lean meat, vegetables. Duration of the dessert diet is also no more than 4 days.