Runny nose with teething

The period of teething in the infant gives a lot of trouble to parents and anxiety for the child. Rising fever and runny nose with teething can push mom to the idea of ​​a baby having an acute viral infection, which can be followed by unnecessary treatment. Next, we consider what symptoms accompany teething and features of the common cold at this time.

Runny nose with teething - symptoms

If you carefully monitor your baby, you can see that the period of teething has its own characteristic symptoms. Here are some of them:

  1. A characteristic manifestation of teething is swelling and itching of the gums. At the same time the child constantly pulls everything in his mouth to scratch the places of teething.
  2. The child becomes irritable, tearful, excited, his sleep is disturbed;
  3. Possible disturbance of the stool during teething. So, the chair becomes frequent and liquid.
  4. Runny nose and an increase in body temperature during teething are very characteristic with the growth of large incisors.
  5. Some children notice the appearance of a cough that mimics an acute viral infection.
  6. It is very characteristic during the eruption of teeth reduction in the resistance of the baby's organism to infections. Therefore, if you do not take care of your baby during this crucial period, then often the infection joins against this background.

What is a common cold with teething?

Runny nose, arising in response to teething, is very different from viral. The reason for it is an increase in the production of mucus in response to inflammation in the oral cavity, which can affect the sinuses. Nasal discharge is clear, liquid, in large quantity and has a mucous nature and does not disturb nasal breathing. In contrast, bacterial and viral rhinitis have their own characteristics (thick white or green mucus, runny nose disrupts nasal breathing, which prevents a child from sleeping and eating). And the main difference is the disappearance of all pathological symptoms after the appearance over the mucous gums of a white pea.

How to help the baby, if a rash appears on the background of teething?

In this critical period, the child needs more parental attention and affection than at another time. Parental care for the baby at this moment is the main medicine. Your baby should be taken up more often, talking to him and stroking the head. It is very important to protect the baby from infection, because at this time his body is particularly vulnerable, you should not walk for a long time outdoors in cool and windy weather, if teething has fallen in the cold season.

Medicamentous care should be provided if the symptoms accompanying teething become very uncomfortable for the baby. So, gels for gums with anesthetics (Babident, Dentol) are recommended for use with pronounced itching of the gums. Their use calms the inflamed baby's gums and allows the baby to fall asleep or eat normally.

The use of antipyretic drugs (Efferlangan candles, Viburkol, Nurofen syrup) is advisable with an increase in body temperature above 38º C and expressed concern of the baby. Cough and runny nose, which occurs during teething, does not require treatment, it passes when a problem tooth appears.

The period of teething is very tense, and the appearance of cough, temperature and runny nose make it much more difficult. The main treatment for these problems is parental care and attention, and drug support is needed only as a last resort. Treatment during this period is symptomatic.