When does colic begin in a newborn?

For all parents, the period of constant crying of the baby due to pain in the tummy is one of the most difficult. If the child is the first in the family, then the parents can not immediately understand why he is unceasingly capricious and does not allow them to relax for a minute. Therefore, it is important to know when the child's colic begins and how they manifest. At the same time, it is much more important to know what to do if they have already begun.

When do babies start colic?

The age at which colic begins in newborn babies is very individual. On average, they appear in the second or third week of life and last for one to two months. If the baby was born prematurely, tenderness in the tummy will manifest itself a little later. As a rule, by three months the problem disappears, digestion in crumbs is normalized.

Answering the question, what time does colic begin, any parent will say that they arise in the evenings and at night. However, there is no strictly defined period when they arise, because all children are unique. At the same time, if the period of spasms has come, as pediatricians believe, the baby will suffer from them for at least three hours a day. The spasms can appear as follows: the baby cries, presses the legs to the chest, knocks on them, refuses to eat and drink, overstrains (to the redness of the face), and strains the tummy. Gases can escape from him, the stool becomes more frequent. Sleep and wakefulness is completely broken.

What to do when the colic begins in infants?

When colic begins in a newborn baby, mom or dad should have patience and understand that the baby is suffering and needs help. It needs:

It is also important that the nursing mother should eat herself properly. It is necessary to exclude from your diet products such as: cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, radish, radish, legumes, dairy products, onions, garlic, cucumbers, alcohol and coffee. On the recommendation of the pediatrician, you can use medicines and a gas pipe to ease the condition of the crumbs.