List of things for the newborn in the spring

The future mother, walking around the shops with children's clothes, has an irresistible desire to buy everything that comes to her eyes. Before the charming tiny blouses and caps with ruffles, even a little impressionable future dad can not resist. But in this matter you need a sober mind, not emotions, so we will analyze what list of things for a newborn in the spring is really necessary.

Clothing for the newborn in the spring - general recommendations

To begin with, there should be no extremes in buying clothes. If the clothes are too small, my mother will have to do laundry and hanging clothes. If the clothes are too much, some of the things will remain untouched, because in the first months the child grows very quickly. It should also be understood that spring clothing for newborns, however, like winter, summer or autumn should be sewn qualitatively from natural materials. The seams should be thin and soft, so that the baby is comfortable.

Of course, the necessary things for a newborn in the spring can be different, depending on the month of birth. If this is March, then basically the wardrobe will consist of warm demi-season things, if May, then the emphasis should be made already on summer acquisitions. It is not necessary to buy very warm woolen things for the spring, it is better to dress the child in several layers, in order to remove them if necessary. What to wear to a newborn in the spring should be decided by the mother, focusing on changes in the weather, on the behavior of the baby, on her feelings, and not on what other children are wearing. It is important to remember that it is much more difficult to overcool a newborn than to overheat! And it is overheating is a great danger to the health of the baby.

Spring clothes for newborns

So, what clothes are needed for a newborn in the spring, we will draw up an indicative list:

  1. Overalls or an envelope. Overalls for the spring for newborns should not be very warm, sufficiently sintepon or even fleece. If several spring days turn out to be very cold, it is better to wrap the baby in a blanket at this time. An envelope for a newborn in the spring may well replace a jumpsuit, but this purchase will be superfluous if you plan to transport the baby in a car seat.
  2. Terry overalls or terry slip will be needed in late spring. The size can be taken with a margin to sometimes wear in the summer cool evenings.
  3. Hats for walking need to be purchased for different weather - velor, terry, knitted. If the overall with a hood, you can not buy a velor.
  4. Bodys with short and long sleeves - 4 pieces will be enough.
  5. Sliders - at least 7-8 pieces, you need both flannel and thin.
  6. Slips of fine cotton fabric are also indispensable for a newborn - 2-3 pieces will be enough for the spring.
  7. Socks - more than 2-3 pairs are unlikely to be needed.

Other components of a dowry newborn

Dowry for the newborn in the spring is not just clothing. The list of purchases for a newborn in the spring should include all kinds of devices for walking, sleeping, nursing, feeding. Of course, these lists are individual, but consider the main:

  1. A stroller for a newborn in the spring does not have to be heavy with powerful wheels, because with it you do not have to drive through snowdrifts. But it is important to think about how the stroller was made of natural fabric, because the baby will walk in it in the summer.
  2. To sleep, you need a crib and two sets of bed linen.
  3. Diapers are useful, even if you do not plan to swaddle a baby to bed or shelter. At least 8 pieces are flannel and calico. You will also need disposable diapers.
  4. Diapers are small in size.
  5. Cosmetic means is better to buy as necessary - for a start it will be enough to have baby oil, cream and soap. What you need a newborn in the spring is a face cream with a sun protection factor.
  6. For bathing for the first time you need a bath, a thermometer and a large terry towel.