Conflictology as a science - problems and methods

Conflict science deals with conflict resolution in interpersonal and social relations. When the problem is discussed at an early stage of its development, a controversial situation is resolved with the benefit for each of the parties. Conflictologists are conducting a professional and detailed study of these issues.

What is conflictology?

With the interaction of several interrelated parties, confrontation may arise due to different views on the same event, differences of interests and positions. Conflictology as a science studies the ways of occurrence of conflict situations, their dynamics and ways of settlement. The objects of study are social conflicts , controversial situations in the field of psychology. Subjects studied are individuals, social groups and institutions. The subject of the study is their behavior in a conflict situation.

Objectives of conflictology

In order to obtain reliable information about the nature of the conflict, close interaction is being conducted with related branches of science: economics, political science, social psychology, etiology. This allows us to more accurately concretize the origins and patterns of development of situations in which confrontation arises. The main tasks of conflictology are:

  1. Study of conflicts as a social phenomenon affecting the fate of an individual, social groups and the country as a whole.
  2. Dissemination in public spheres of knowledge about conflictological studies.
  3. Education of cultural skills in interpersonal and business communication.

Conflictology methods

Intensive development and replenishment of the theoretical base, careful systematization of data, application of scientific discoveries in practice - these are the basics of conflictology, which allow to determine ways and ways of overcoming conflict situations. Full and reliable information scientists receive by using different scientific directions. For example, to collect information, polls, tests, game assignments that relate to psychological research methods are conducted. Other methods of conflictology at the data processing stage:

When a certain amount of information is collected, conflictology assumes further careful historical and comparative analysis. Information is systematized, the average values ​​of quantitative and qualitative characteristics are established (statistics). Modern conflictology in practice preempts the development of real conflicts in various spheres of life, contributes to maintaining a balance between the warring parties due to their constructive interaction.

Conflictologist - what is this profession?

The constant demand for conflictologists is explained by the fact that at the professional level complex controversial situations are being resolved which otherwise could become a tough confrontation between the warring parties. If family conflictology is able to resolve a dispute between family members, then at the state level, specialists are able to prevent complex conflicts that are initiated by employees of the administrative apparatus.

The profession of conflictologist appeared in the world community in the 60s of the 20th century. At the moment there are entire organizations whose main activity is to resolve conflicts of any complexity in different spheres. For example, professional mediators are engaged in settling conflict situations in the civil sphere outside the court, which significantly reduces the time for consideration of civil suits. Conflictology is a specialty that involves close interaction with psychologists, politicians, judicial and social workers.

Who are conflictologists working with?

Work conflictologist can both in the teams of various enterprises, and in specialized consultative organizations. Graduates of universities are invited to work in private and public centers, in HR-services. They advise people on "hot" lines, "preventing complex and dangerous situations. In the sphere of politics, these are popular specialists who help settle conflicts through negotiations.

The best books on conflictology

A complex and at the same time an interesting process of mastering this science concerns both theoretical bases and applied knowledge. The literature on conflictology is also textbooks, textbooks, and practical guidelines. Books are used by professionals and ordinary people who comprehend the art of settling conflicts in everyday life. Useful reading for readers:

  1. Grishina N.E. "Psychology of conflict (2nd edition)".
  2. Emelyanov SM "Workshop on conflictology."
  3. Carnegie D. "How to find a way out of any conflict situation."