How to store bananas?

Bananas are a universal product that we eat in winter and in summer. And if in the summer we can still get distracted by other berries and fruits for the season, then in winter bananas are simply irreplaceable. The benefits of this product are known to everyone from small to large. Bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium . They also contain serotonin, a hormone of happiness. It is an indispensable source of carbohydrates . And if you want to start eating right and be energetic all day, porridge with a banana in the morning is an indispensable breakfast.

In order to extend that unforgettable pleasure that we receive from this product, we need to know how to properly store bananas?

How to properly store bananas?

We all know that they are ripped off by those who are not yet ripe, so that they can safely arrive at their destination. Green bunches of bananas are placed in boxes with plastic wrap. At a certain temperature and humidity, they can be in this state for a long time. After transportation bananas must be brought to a certain maturity. The color, taste and aroma of this fruit must meet certain standards. To do this, the bananas are placed in the ripening chamber. It is there that all the biochemical processes that are so necessary for obtaining a quality product occur. The principle of action of these chambers is that the heating or cooling of bananas occurs during their maturation. This is achieved by forcing air through boxes with bananas. Constantly maintained a uniform temperature, which gives the most predictable result at the end of the gassing (dosage) process. This is such a difficult way to go through this product before you get to us on the table. Naturally, having bought bananas in the store and bringing home, it is desirable to create the same conditions for their storage.

How to store bananas at home?

You can store bananas at home in any cool dark place. It can be a refrigerator, or just a closet. It all depends on how you got them. When buying bananas, like other fruits, see that there are no stains on the peel. The color of the peel should be saturated yellow and uniform. It is at this stage of maturation that all nutrients are concentrated in the banana. And they will benefit you.

Bananas can also be bought unripe. Only with them experts advise to be cautious - green banana fruits are poorly digested. And in order that they are ripe sooner, they need to be placed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. Practically, the next day they will reach ripeness.

It is absolutely unacceptable to store bananas in the freezer. Because, the skin will immediately darken, and they will lose their attractiveness. To the touch, the fruits will be soft. They can be eaten, but will only be suitable for cocktails or mashed potatoes.

It is best to store bananas in a paper bag, slightly ajar. There must be air access and a small amount of light. Humidity is the enemy of bananas! Ideally - in a suspended state. In order that bananas did not lose their presentation for several days and retain their nutritional value, store at a temperature of 12-14 °.

In conclusion, the banana paradox: whatever their number, they are eaten before they mature. A ripe spoiled faster than they eat!