Development of willpower

There is a belief that strong will and character are innate properties, which is why one manages to achieve great heights, while others do not. But this opinion is erroneous. The power of the will of man can be developed. In addition, there are special techniques for educating willpower and its development, because it is like a skill and a certain skill, formed by training.

At the same time, a very important factor is the actions of a person trying to develop willpower . Very often it is difficult for him to understand what and for what he is trying to develop. It takes a lot of effort to force yourself. It is necessary to think about how to strengthen the will power, and not about the fact that nothing happens.

What if there is no will power?

"Instead of counting on self-control, one must try to avoid temptations. It will be more useful if one's willpower is underestimated, rather than overestimated , "says psychologist Laurent Nodgren.

The psychologist and his colleagues conducted experiments among students.

In one of them, hungry students clearly predicted their ability to resist the flavors of food, rather than those who were full and therefore fully convinced that they would not touch food.

In another, smokers, confident that they can cope with their desire, lit a few times more often than those who were convinced that they have a low level of self-control.

Thus, it turns out that people subject themselves to temptation, and there is nothing strange in the fact that most people suffer from obesity and other addictions.

Prayer for Strengthening Will and Spirit

Prayers and words that are read with true faith and love can help change life for the better. They can be read anywhere, choosing that prayer, which makes it possible to solve the most important task for this period. Prayers can strengthen the power of will and spirit only if there is a strong desire and strong faith.