Stop cystitis for cats

About whether there are cats in cysts , most often think of inexperienced owners of animals. In most cases, this happens even when the pet is sick, and its owner is confronted with obvious signs of this disease.

Cystitis is a fairly common infectious or inflammatory disease of the urinary tract in cats. Cats also get sick, but much less often, but much harder. With timely detection and proper treatment, the disease is not dangerous. But if it is launched, it can grow into not only a chronic form, but also lead to the death of the animal. There are a lot of symptoms in the disease, but if you find at least one of them, you should immediately contact a veterinarian to get rid of the suffering of your pet more quickly:

All these are signs of cystitis, which indicate that it is urgent to start treatment for a cat.

Cystitis in cats - treatment and drugs

Treatment of cystitis is always under the supervision of a veterinarian. Before beginning treatment, the doctor must take the urine and blood tests from the cat, determine the cause and the accompanying diseases. But all the same the main thing at any appointments of the doctor is to reveal and eliminate the reason of illness, and also to provide to the pet necessary rest and heat. So, first of all, for a cat, it is necessary to equip its favorite places with warm bedding and to eliminate drafts in the house. And only after that it is possible to proceed with the doctor's appointments:

  1. Cats by nature very little drink, but during a cystitis disease they need to drink much more than always. Therefore, you should use a syringe to pour into your pet several milliliters of water a day.
  2. The most common remedy for symptomatic relief is Stop Cystitis. It provides a complex disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and diuretic effect. It is prescribed for the prevention or treatment of not only cystitis, but also urolithiasis . Dose stop cystitis is necessary depending on the weight of the cat - an animal weighing up to 5 kg is prescribed 2 ml, and more than 5 kg - 3 ml.
  3. If a pathogenic microbial flora is detected, the veterinarian must prescribe antibiotics. The most common is amoxicillin, which is given 3 times a day at a rate of 20 mg of medicine per kilogram of weight. But it is desirable before the appointment to conduct an animal test for sensitivity to the drug. And to eliminate the negative effect on the body in parallel with antibiotics, you can give the cat probiotics or enterosorbents.
  4. Spasmolytic drugs, such as no-shpa or papaverine, are prescribed in injections of 0.5 ml each. If you try to give a cat a pill, then she is unlikely to like the taste of this medicine and she will not take it.
  5. To remove intoxication the cat is put a dropper with Ringer's solution. But this is done already in the case when urine does not depart at all. This condition is dangerous for the life of the animal, so treatment for such signs of the disease should be carried out in the hospital. There, if necessary, the doctor can remove the attack medically or even with the help of surgical intervention.

The main mistake of the owners in case of cat's disease with this disease is the opinion that the disease can pass by itself. But the cystitis will not pass. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease should contact a veterinarian, who will put the correct diagnosis and advise how to treat cystitis in your cat.