How to name a kitten - the most beautiful and interesting names for kittens

You still do not know how to name a kitten who has just settled in your house? You can choose several suitable options if you narrow down the search area and choose only from the thematic zones that are of interest to you. Then it will be necessary to discuss the versions with your family and stop at a nickname attractive to all.

How can you name a kitten?

Interesting and unusual names for kittens can be found in the literature. Think about your favorite or just colorful characters from books that are suitable to name a kitten. Interesting ideas can be found both in the classics of cinema, and in blockbusters. A great space for imagination is provided by comics and computer games. Orient is on the breed, a luxury cat can be called Churchill, and the elegant cat is Godiva. Try it and you will understand that to find the answer to the question of how to name your kitten, the occupation is not only simple, but also fun, if you bring to the case:

Names for Boys Kittens

You just took in the family of a small male, which is a good choice, because cats have an accommodating nature. When choosing how you can call a kitten a boy, look at the nicknames listed below:

What a nickname corresponds to your pet can be understood intuitively. Names for kittens of boys (Russian nicknames) should preferably be selected with sibilant notes, as the fluffy people like sounds similar to mouse rustling and remember them well. Perfectly match the names of Lusha, Yasha, Zhuzha. Funny sounds in relation to the baby's nickname Seem Seamych. When the kitten grows up the name will acquire a shade of respectability.

Clicks for kittens for girls

Once you have taken a kitty, you immediately have a desire to choose a nickname from the list of happy names for kittens, in addition to protect a plush miracle. But it's worth a while to wait a bit for the character of the Pitomix to become more pronounced and then you can pick up a nickname suitable to call the kitten a girl. First see the list:

The question of how to choose a name for a kitten to a girl should be taken care of by the guardian of the animal, and from the point of view of the speed at which the sounds are learned by the pythophagous. The female will respond in the best way to Margosha or any other word with a hissing sound. The cat should understand that they call her, and not someone from the household or other animals. In this regard, the original word will be preferable.

The best names for kittens

Looking through the various lists in the search for an answer to the question, what names can be given to the kittens, the owners are guided by the color of the suit or the nature of the pet. But it is worth remembering that if you call a cat a long and complex word, there is a possibility that it will not react. The owner is upset, many guardians of animals piously believe that their pets understand everything, but just do not want to speak out. To part with this illusion is unpleasant, so it is worth to respect the preferences of the beast.

Animal guardians can exclaim: "Oh, my God, from an inexhaustible list, how to name a kitten, I'll never find a suitable word!" And make it much easier. Since the nicknames of animals are of great importance to guardians, a group of owners, guided by tenderness, calls new pets like previous seals. It's hard to be surprised, because cats leave unforgettable memories after themselves. In addition, the problem of how to name the next kitten becomes less acute.

How to name a red-haired kitten?

To communicate with the restless sun, who settled in the house, it was easy and cheerful to try to give him the appropriate nickname. Below is a list of how you can call a red male and female kitten, which have a reddish brown color:

How to name a black kitten?

Some people still believe in the prejudice that a black cat brings misfortune. This superstition originated in the Middle Ages, when it was believed that demons and witches turn into black animals. The belief is not overcome to the end, but many demonic powers are fascinated by the fashion for the Gothic. If the house is blackened, then they are happy and the question of how best to call the kitten, turns into a fun game of the type of Halloween. Want to find the nicknames for the black kittens that fit for them as glitches, see the list:

In addition, the names for black kittens are selected in cartoons and comics. As soon as you notice the similarity of your favorite characters with your pet, the question of how best to name a kitten will disappear of itself. Among popular characters:

How to name a white kitten?

Your fuzzy white is like snow, and you want to name the seal in accordance with its excellent external data. To name a kitten, it is worth looking for images on the slopes of mountains or in the clouds. Filled with fresh flowers or delicious culinary delights. Look for the name for the white kitten of a boy or girl:

The name for the white kitten is sometimes chosen based on the pedigree. In the name of the animal may be the first letters or syllables of the names of parents or more distant ancestors. Breeders also suggest suitable versions. Nothing prevents the animal from coming with a ready-made nickname into the house, but if it's long, then it's worth cutting it and turning Lilly-Tilly just to Lily.

How to name a gray kitten?

Many ideas arise on the topic of how to call a gray kitten a girl or a boy. The suit is sometimes called blue or lilac. Ideal for a baby or baby:

How to name a chocolate kitten?

Dark brown color is not so common, so the question of how to choose a name for a kitten is chocolate color, especially difficult. You can go by searching for a sonorous word according to its exclusivity. Suitable Caesar or Richard. At samochek it is good to sound appetizing nicknames such as Chocolate or Sweetie. For males, Snickers, Raisins or Bob are more suitable. It's interesting to hear Brown (brown) or Brownie. The cat will come up with the nickname Mulatta, cat - Zagarik.

How to name a kitten peach color?

When choosing a nickname you need to take into account the features of color, appearance and nature of the seal. If you choose a purebred breed, you can understand how it will grow. Whether the pet is a domestic tyrant or a humble animal. How can you call a fluffy kitten peach color, determines the roll with the red. Among the most common - Peach. If you want to be original, you can ignore the suit, and walk through the list, funny names for kittens:

Belonging to lazy cats will determine the surname of Sonia. For British breeds, it is appropriate to first add a miss or lady. Looking for how to name an energetic kitten appreciate the nicknames:

If the search, how to name a kitten, has reached a dead end, you can simply scroll through the dictionary and give yourself to the will. When you are really interested in choosing a nickname that suits your pet for accuracy in getting into temperament or just looking for original sound, then it is safe to say that the decision will arise sooner or later with all certainty.

In psychology there is such a phenomenon that if the task is set clearly and its solution is important, then at night the brain without the participation of consciousness scrolls through the options. Morning is wiser than evening, says the popular proverb, and the question of how best to name a kitten can be resolved by itself. Although, to help yourself decide, it will be superfluous to know some features of cat perception and distinction of sounds.