Vitamins for the skin

For sure, every fair sex knows about the important role in the human body is played by vitamins. The lack of vitamins immediately affects the appearance - skin begins to peel, irritations appear, the condition of hair and nails worsens. In order to avoid these troubles, you need to know what vitamins are needed for the skin.

To date, scientists thoroughly studied the effect of six vitamins on our body: A, B, C, D, E, PP. If the body regularly receives a complex of these vitamins in the required quantity, then one can forget about many skin diseases.

A shortage of vitamins for skin, hair and nails can be determined by the following signs: skin peeling, dandruff, hair loss, brittle nails, dermatitis and red spots on the skin.

If the skin on the body becomes flabby, this means that the body slows down the production of collagen. These age changes, unfortunately, can not be avoided by any woman. But to move the time of their manifestation and make them less noticeable can help vitamin C. This is one of the vitamins needed to improve the skin of the body. It promotes the production of collagen and makes the skin more elastic and elastic. Vitamin C can be found in greenery, cabbage, eggplant, potato, green pepper, citrus, currant. Nevertheless, with the use of products containing vitamin C should be careful. An overdose of this vitamin leads to itching on the skin, irritation and the appearance of red spots.

Breaking nails, hair loss and peeling of the skin - these unpleasant events indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body. It is known that vitamin A is found in fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition, this vitamin is found in products of animal origin - meat, milk, eggs. Vitamin A refers to the vitamins needed for scalp, nails and hair. To provide the body with a daily norm of this vitamin, you should eat 300 grams of carrots daily, 2 tablespoons of fish oil or 100 grams of dried apricots.

Problem skin, the presence of acne and acne - these troubles are observed with a shortage of vitamins E and B in the body. These vitamins are necessary for beautiful skin, since they contribute to the normalization of metabolism in the body and the removal of toxins. Vitamin E, also, helps to strengthen the muscles of the human body, which makes the skin more taut. Whole-grain bread, legumes, eggs, cereals, milk, beets and brown rice - regular use of these products contributes to the saturation of the body with vitamins B and E. Many women suffer from dry skin after 25 years. Fighting with dry skin helps regular intake of vitamin D. This is one of the essential vitamins for the skin of the hands, since it helps to saturate the skin with moisture. Also, vitamin D strengthens the hair and makes the nails less brittle. Contains this vitamin in seafood, eggs and nuts.

Get rid of skin irritation, allergic rashes and mild forms of dermatitis allows regular use of foods containing vitamin PP. These products include: yeast, meat, bran, peanuts.

Many modern women prefer to drink special complexes of vitamins for the skin. Such complexes are mainly designed for a month. One tablet daily dose of all necessary vitamins, which eliminates the need to adjust your diet daily. In order to buy the best vitamins for the skin from the whole abundance of different complexes, you should consult your doctor. However, experienced specialists recommend that when the question "What are vitamins for the skin - natural or artificial?", Give preference to natural products.