Hydrogen sulfide baths - indications and contraindications

Hydrogen sulfide (sulfide) baths - a popular method of balneology, which uses natural sulfide mineral water, differing in ionic composition and degree of mineralization. Depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen sulphide waters of low concentration, medium concentration, strong and very strong are distinguished.

In Russia, the most famous resort with a natural source of hydrogen sulfide waters is the city of Sochi. Also here are such resorts as:

Let us consider in more detail what are the indications and contraindications of hydrogen sulphide baths.

Benefits of hydrogen sulphide baths

The mechanism of action of hydrogen sulfide baths is due to factors common to all therapeutic baths (temperature regime, mechanical action, hydrostatic pressure), and the presence of free hydrogen sulphide and hydrosulfide ions. These substances, penetrating the body through the skin and lungs, have the following effect:

Hydrogen sulfide baths help normalize the nervous system and coronary circulation, reduce blood pressure, increase peripheral resistance of the heart. There is an expansion of capillaries, the speed of blood flow is accelerated, metabolic processes are normalized, the motor function of the joints is increased, etc.

What are the treatment of hydrogen sulphide baths?

Indications for treatment with hydrogen sulphide baths are the following pathologies:

It should be noted that in the appointment of hydrogen sulphide baths in psoriasis, the seasonality of the disease is taken into account. "Summer" forms are treated in the winter, and "winter" - in the summer.

Contraindications of hydrogen sulfide baths

Despite the benefits of hydrogen sulphide baths, there are contraindications to these procedures, which include: