Acne on the back

It happens that quite suddenly on the absolutely healthy skin of the back acne begins to appear. Painful inflamed pimples not only look ugly, but can also be dangerous.

The causes of acne on the back

They can be different. Among the main reasons, we can distinguish separately:

  1. Many today wear beautiful clothes, which are dominated by synthetic materials. Due to the fact that such outfits do not "breathe" and do not release moisture and can form inflammation.
  2. Very often acne on the back occurs in people with endocrine diseases.
  3. Women can get covered with inflammation of the back against the background of gynecological diseases.
  4. A common problem is the disruption of the sebaceous glands.
  5. It is also necessary to take care of acne on the back for those who eat incorrectly and "on the run."
  6. Bad on the skin affect stressful situations.
  7. Sometimes the cause is poor heredity.

How to get rid of acne on the back?

Treatment of many dermatological problems, including acne on the back - the process is not easy and long. The fight should be comprehensive. If inflammation occurs frequently and does not disappear for a long time, a checkup should be performed. This will help to find out the cause of the problem.

Treatment involves:

  1. Compliance with diet. To make the eels disappear and not appear, you need to limit yourself to fatty and salty foods.
  2. Change the wardrobe. Wear preferably natural things and bedding. Give up too tight clothes.
  3. Rejection of bad habits.

Remove acne on the back and face will help and folk remedies:

  1. Very effective is tar tar soap . It dries down the inflammation.
  2. Cope with acne baths with potassium permanganate.
  3. Favorable on the body is the reception of brewer's yeast .