Tattoos for two

Tattoos are made for various reasons, but perhaps the most common is the desire to prove their feelings to the beloved. Japanese geisha tattoo has long served as one of the five proofs of love. In Europe, from the very beginning of the revival of tattoo culture, loved ones were often dedicated to hearts with different inscriptions, in the style of the old school, and other symbolic images. With the advent of realism, portraits of beloved became popular. To date, there is almost no restriction in the choice of ideas and methods for their artistic realization, and, consequently, there are more and more opportunities to express their feelings in the most original way. So the popularity of paired tattoos for two lovers. To date, in galleries of tattooists, as well as in special collections on this topic, you can see a variety of photos of tattoos for two. And the number of people willing to perpetuate their feelings for each other is growing every day. But, it turns out when choosing a drawing for such a personal, and even in some way, intimate tattoos, many face serious problems. Perhaps the following recommendations will not be superfluous for those who decided to perpetuate their love with tattoos.

Use creativity

Looking through photos of tattoos for two, to start from the liked images and to run to the master with the request to make the same, only slightly another, it is strictly recommended. There are, of course, popular trends, such as tattoo inscriptions for two lovers. No less common and tattoos for two on the hands in the form of halves of hearts. But after all, such a tattoo should display something completely personal and individual, and use as a drawing generally accepted and generalizing symbols, tattooists are highly discouraged. The sketch for a pair of tattoos is best not to choose, but to create together, then it will be really filled with a deep personal sense of tattoo.

The tattoo is forever

It is clear that deciding to make a tattoo for two, lovers are fully confident that their feelings are not subject to time. But as practice shows, in most cases tattoos turn out to be more durable than relationships. And since getting rid of the tattoo is problematic, you should choose pictures that will not disappoint even if the relationship is broken. It is not necessary that the figure symbolizes a particular person, because you can choose a tattoo that embodies the feelings of lovers.

Ideas for twin tattoos

The most popular tattoos for two lovers on the wrist, which when you join hands form one pattern or inscription. As a drawing for such a double tattoo, you can use any drawings that cause partners to associate with each other or with feelings for each other. It can be and the subjects connected with the first acquaintance or other important events in the life of the couple. And maybe there are parts of the landscape where the first date happened. It is best that the tattoo reminds the lovers of something important that would help overcome difficulties and conflicts. Quite often for pair tattoos use characters of cartoons or films. Images of symbolic for a couple of objects in the cartoon style are especially popular for double tattoos. In the photo of paired tattoos for two lovers, you can see a lot of original ideas that can help in finding your individual drawing. But in creating a sketch, use your personal symbols and meanings, which day after day, throughout your life, will help to keep love for each other.