Pearl baths - indications and contraindications

Hydroprocedures have always been considered extremely effective. Pearl baths are one such procedure. Its main feature is that it is not only useful, but also very enjoyable. However, it is not possible for everyone to take such baths and not always.

Than useful pearl baths?

Of course, pearls in the bathroom during the procedure will be difficult to find. Its name was given to this hydroprocedure, due to the multiple bubbles formed during the operation of the plant. The bath is a container with a grate and a compressor. Leaving from under the grate under high pressure, the air turns into bubbles. Strictly speaking, this is the whole principle of the work of pearl baths - the bubbles intensively massage the body, improving blood circulation.

The water temperature during the procedure is very comfortable - 35-36 ° C. The patient nothing special during the reception of the pearl bath do not have to - you just have to lie down, relax, enjoy the massage. The duration of the procedure does not exceed ten to fifteen minutes.

Indications for the use of a pearl bath

Since this is a medical procedure, it should only be prescribed by a specialist. Pearl baths are shown in the following cases:

  1. Nervous disorders are one of the main indications for the appointment of pearl baths. People suffering from problems with the nervous system in the treatment room will be able to really relax.
  2. Effective therapeutic pearl baths and with problems in the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Very well respond about the procedure of hypertension.
  4. Pearl baths allow to normalize the metabolism .
  5. Such a specific hydromassage will help cope with chronic fatigue and improve the body.

Along with the testimony of pearl baths, there are some contraindications, as well as mandatory precautions.

Contraindications to pearl baths

Although this procedure is considered absolutely harmless, there is a certain category of people to whom baths are strictly contraindicated. The main contraindications to pearl baths are as follows:

  1. It is not suitable for people with consistently high blood pressure.
  2. One of the main contraindications is problems with the cardiovascular system.
  3. In inflammation, dermatological and various kinds of fungal diseases, it is also not recommended to take pearl baths.
  4. The procedure for diabetics and people suffering from varicose veins is contraindicated.

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications for pearl baths, therefore, before the beginning of the treatment course, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

Mineral and coniferous-pearl baths

Often in pearl baths add some elements, so that from the procedure you can get the most benefit. One of the most popular additives is needles. This substance contains a lot of vitamins and trace elements. Needles have a powerful relaxing and soothing effect.

Coniferous-pearl baths are shown to people with problem skin, hypertensives and those who suffer from diseases of the nervous system. But to refrain from such a strong aromatic hydromassage will be with arrhythmia , stomach and joint diseases.

Mineral baths are enriched with special substances, which are absorbed faster and more efficiently into the skin, thanks to which they act quite quickly. The use of mineral-pearl baths - in improving metabolism, vasodilatation and normalization of the endocrine glands. But, unfortunately, this procedure can not solve the problems with high arterial pressure.