Contusion of ribs

The main function of the ribs is to protect the respiratory organs from damage. Injury to the ribs can occur as a result of a fall or stroke by a blunt object. Of course, a bruise is not as dangerous as a fracture, but the patient may be troubled by severe pain and difficulty breathing.

Contusion of ribs - symptoms

When the ribs are damaged, the following signs are observed:

  1. The swelling of the affected area is formed. Within fifteen minutes, the skin begins to change color, indicating a subcutaneous hemorrhage. The depth of rib lesions can be judged by the intensity of the coloration of bruises.
  2. There are hematomas, unpleasant sensations when breathing, pain when touching and turning the trunk.

Severe pain during breathing with contusion of the ribs of the chest can indicate a fracture.

What should I do if my ribs hurt?

Assistance activities include the following:

  1. Apply a tight bandage that helps stop subcutaneous hemorrhage.
  2. Give the patient an elevated position.
  3. Apply cold, using a wet towel or ice pack. These actions help reduce pain syndrome. The duration of application of cold should not exceed three days, after which heat is applied.
  4. If the bruise is severe, then it is necessary to undergo examination to exclude fractures .

How much does the rib hurt?

Injury of the ribs may be accompanied by pain throughout the treatment period. It arises suddenly, therefore during recovery it is important to provide peace and abandon sports, especially in the first two days, when the pain is most pronounced.

Contusion of rib - treatment

After going to the doctor for injuries to the ribs, you, first of all, will have to undergo examination of the lungs and other organs to exclude their damage. Together with bed rest, the patient is prescribed the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen , Naproxen and Diclofenac.

Speed ​​up the healing process by using popular methods. It is recommended to apply a compress from a powder of water spray diluted with water. You can also use lotion from arnica tincture or take internally for forty drops.

When the pain subsides, you can proceed to the development of ribs. For this purpose, the doctor appoints a special course of physiotherapy. People who are actively involved in sports, it is recommended at first to protect the ribs with a special waistcoat, which will reduce the load and fix their position.