How to remove swelling on the legs?

With the question of how to remove edema on the legs, every second person encounters in life, since it is in the extremities that excess fluid accumulates most often. Often this problem worries women, because it is not only unpleasant and causes discomfort, but also visually ugly.

Causes of edema

Before you fight with leg swelling, you need to understand what triggered their appearance. The main causes of fluid accumulation in the legs are:

Usually, pain and swelling in the legs appear in the afternoon, and after sleep disappear, but if they are symptoms of illness, then over time their condition only worsens. Basically, the fluid in the lower extremities accumulates in varicose veins, kidney diseases, bowel diseases, "elephant" disease, diabetes and acute thrombophlebitis, and problems with the thyroid gland. Also, there is a very frequent edema of the legs with heart failure .

How to treat swelling on the legs?

Before treating swelling on the legs with medications, try using folk methods.

Very effective in controlling swelling is a mixture of 1 part turpentine and 2 parts castor oil. To cook it, you need to warm up the oil and pour in it turpentine. The resulting mixture rubs the legs at bedtime, and after the massage is put on cotton socks.

Reduces edema of the foot with diabetes and heart failure, and also beneficially affects the entire cardiovascular system of decoction from astragalus. To make it, you need 10 grams of dry grass astragalus pour a glass of warm water, cool and strain. Take it for 2-3 tablespoons for 2 weeks three times a day. Then for a few days you need to take a break and repeat this folk remedy, so that the swelling of your legs not only sleeps, but does not bother you anymore.

For puffy and tired legs it will be good to massage the ice slices. It is better if you prepare ice from infusions of medicinal plants and herbs (sage, peppermint, mountain arnica flowers, yarrow, dandelion dye or eucalyptus).

If you do not have dry herbs at hand, and you do not know how to quickly remove the swelling of your legs, do not get discouraged. The usual contrasting foot bath will help you. Keep feet in hot and cold water for 5 minutes alternately. After a bath it will be useful to make an easy massage.

If you are prone to puffiness, then you can drink diuretics. Effective in the fight against pain and swelling in the legs is a decoction of equal parts of birch buds, field horsetail and knotweed. 1 teaspoon of the mixture you need to pour 200 ml of warm water and leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink it to 20 ml three times a day for not more than 3 weeks.

Effective against swelling of the legs of the ointment "Traxevasin", "Venitant" and "Essaven gel" and other products containing rutin and heparin.

Prevention of swelling of the feet

When you often swollen legs, it is important to know not only how to treat, but also how to prevent the accumulation of fluid in the lower limbs: