There are veins on the hands - reasons

Excellent looking veins on male hands look attractive enough. But the sinewy with a prominent vascular network of women's hands of many women are forced to tense up. It turns out that there are quite a lot of reasons why there are veins in the hands of women. Some of them are absolutely harmless. Of course, it also happens that the vein that came out, which also hurts, among other things, is a symptom of a serious illness.

Why do the veins protrude?

On the way to the tissues and organs, blood overcomes a considerable distance, divided by valves. From one obstacle to another, portions of blood move with each heart beat. If the vessels are sick, they become thinner and less elastic. Because of this, the valves lose the ability to normally open and close. And accordingly, the blood flow through the veins is disrupted.

The reasons why the veins on the arms strongly protrude

The formation of a venous network on the body is most often associated with varicose veins. In most cases, the affliction of the lower limbs, but from time to time to diagnose the expansion of blood vessels specialists are necessary in other parts of the body. In many patients, veins on the arms may be due to an aneurysm, atherosclerosis or other diseases developing in parallel with varicose veins.

Violation of blood flow in blood vessels is a rather dangerous phenomenon. The fact is that the veins that have protruded are just the surface part of the iceberg. Not paying attention to the problem, you can face such consequences of it as thrombosis or thrombophlebitis.

There are other reasons:

  1. On the condition of the vessels, large physical loads are adversely affected. Because of the latter, the influx of blood can greatly increase, which in turn leads to a change in the shape of the vessels. Because of frequent lifting of weights, mainly veins on the wrists hands. The same representatives of the fair sex who seriously engage in sports, bloating is observed throughout the entire length of the limb.
  2. Venous nets and blown veins on the hands of a thin man - pathology. Vypiranie vessels in this case is due to the lack of a necessary layer of fat.
  3. If the veins on the arms do not protrude, but simply appear through the skin, there is no cause for concern. Most likely, the problem is too tender and thin epidermis. Or rather - an insufficient amount of collagen in the body.