Eczema on the feet

Eczema is a skin disease that is allergic in nature, and is also the result of an abnormal endocrine system, a decrease in immunity. Eczema on the legs can appear after serious infectious pathologies and affects usually not only the legs, but also other parts of the body.

Treatment of eczema on the legs

After finding a strange rash and flaking in the leg area or on any other part of the body, by all means need to visit a doctor. The clinic will conduct a series of tests to determine the form of the disease. She may be:

A mandatory definition is also the factors that led to eczema on the feet, whether it is dry or damp.

Treatment of dryness and cracking of the skin implies the use of moisturizing therapeutic creams based on glycolic acid or petroleum jelly. Hormones, such as corticosteroid ointments, are helpful.

If we talk about how to cure wet eczema on the legs, then in this case, use drying medicinal aerosol products:

Wash with soap and soaked rashes is strictly prohibited. In general, it is not recommended to wet the wounds with soaking eczema, this can aggravate the course of the disease.

Physiotherapy for eczema

Among other things, local therapy involves treatment with the help of hardware therapy. It best relieves eczema:

The doctor, as a rule, appoints ten sessions. The main thing is to visit them all without missing it. Then with each next time the skin on the legs will look better.

Varicose eczema on the legs provides, above all, treatment of varicose veins and blood stasis. It is important to begin therapy with the first symptoms, since this form of pathology has a high risk of transition of the disease to the trophic stage.

Treatment of eczema on the feet at home

Among the folk remedies, natural methods from eczema proved to be excellent:

  1. Tincture of birch buds on water. Sore spots are lubricated twice a day.
  2. Leaves of Kalanchoe , ground in porridge with the addition of water.
  3. Compresses made from white cabbage. At night, a slightly discarded cabbage leaf is wound up to the leg.
  4. Berries of Kalina, boiled with boiled water and ground into a gruel. The mixture is applied to the sore spots in the form of a compress for the night.
  5. Grated raw potatoes can also be applied with a compress for 10-12 hours.
  6. Wipe the inflamed places with a decoction of the root of elecampane.
  7. Even for lotions, a chamomile or St. John's wort in a broth will do.

It is best to use these remedies in between the main therapy prescribed by the doctor. It is important to choose one or two methods and use them until complete recovery. Natural methods of treatment help only with everyday procedures. The course of such therapy is not less than one month.

When it comes to diseases of the epidermis, it is important to observe a hypoallergenic diet. For this you need to exclude from the diet:

Eczema is a disease very prone to relapse. Therefore, after successful treatment should continue take care of the skin on your legs:

  1. Always use moisturizers.
  2. To observe hygiene.
  3. Protect skin from mechanical damage.

After recovery, you do not need to abuse food that can cause an allergic reaction, although in itself a healthy person it is not prohibited.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the disease, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, breathe air and do not forget about a normal night's sleep.