The network found a Beyonce double: find 10 differences

Detroit found a copy of Beyonce! It's incredible!

Brittany Williams from the American city of Detroit is extremely similar to the popular singer Beyoncé. Probably, this similarity is to blame for "genetics": among the ancestors of both girls were American Indians. Brittany claims that even her mother and father are very similar to Beyonce's parents.

On the account of Brittany in Instagram already signed more than 50 thousand people, and on the streets the girl is constantly stopped by passers-by and asked to be photographed with them. However, Brittany has already realized that popularity has the opposite side. Often the Beyonce fans are too intrusive or even aggressive:

"Once, several women chased a car in which I was traveling with a friend. They began singing "Single Ladies" and pounding the car with their heels until we opened the windows and let them take a picture with us "

At the same time, Brittany does not at all try to emphasize his similarity with Beyonce. If a pop star loves luxury and uses the services of a whole team of makeup artists, then her Detroit double calls herself a minimalist and applies makeup only on weekends.

At the same time, Brittany believes that she and Beyonce have much in common not only in appearance, but also in the inner world:

"We are both strong women, fearless and God-fearing"

Like her famous copy, Brittany loves to sing and writes poetry. She describes herself like this:

"I'm just a cool, stylish, clever, witty girl who has dreams, faith and aspirations. I still believe that God will allow my dreams to come true ... "

On Halloween, the girl arranged a surprise for her subscribers, changing into a Beyonce costume from the clip Love on top. In this outfit it is almost impossible to distinguish it from a star.