Hairbrushes for hair - which comb is better and how to choose the right one?

Proper hair care includes not only the use of a good shampoo, food and moisturizing hair, but also a suitable hair comb. In addition, many important nuances should be observed, using this, at first glance, a primitive subject. About varieties of combs and the specifics of their use, let's talk further.

Types of hairbrushes

Daily combing of strands is necessary not only to give them a neat appearance and the necessary shape, but also required to maintain their health (by acting on the scalp). It is not difficult to get confused and get confused in the choice, because now manufacturers offer a variety of diverse types of combs. Some devices are suitable for permanent use, others - only for hair styling, for use when staining strands, etc. Conditionally, the comb can be classified into three groups:

Thinking about what hairbrush to choose, it is important to first determine for what purposes it is required. It takes into account the structure of the hair, the length, the state of their health. It is necessary to take into account the shape of this device, the type of bristles, material, quality. If the comb is picked up incorrectly and is used inaccurately, it can lead to damage and even hair loss. For example, combs with very coarse, stiff or pricking teeth injure the scalp, and as a result of damage to the epidermis, hair bulbs can be destroyed.

Skeletal hairbrush

A very common type of comb for hair is the so-called comb-skeleton. Its main purpose - use for drying and styling hair drier. Often, such a comb is made of plastic. Thanks to the special structure, the presence of holes, this tool helps to quickly dry the hair dryer and eliminates the risk of overheating of the hair and skin (the flow of warm air is evenly dispersed).

Simultaneously, the skeletal hairbrush combs the hair well, without hurting them, because The teeth are located distantly from each other and have rounded tips. In some models, denticles are placed on one side, in others - from both. In this case, their length can be different, so that the comb is used for curls of different lengths. To create a hairdo, this kind of comb is not good, but it is great for raising hair in the root zone, i.e. to obtain a radical volume.

Such a comb is great for thick straight hair, and for curly locks it's not an option. Choosing a comb-skeleton, it is worth giving preference to models with a special coating to relieve static tension. It is recommended to pay attention to the quality of the material (if the plastic exudes an unpleasant odor, then when heated it releases toxins).

Round hair comb

Choosing an option for creating hairstyles at home, it is recommended to pay attention to round hairbrushes - brashingov. They are great at coping with the laying of such haircuts, as bean, page, square, cascade. With their help, it is even possible to create waves on the hair or to straighten curly locks, "pacify" disobedient locks. Due to different diameters, you can pick up a small round comb for bangs, and large for styling long hair.

Often, hair combs for round hair are made with a metal base-cylinder that heats from the hair dryer and acts as ironing. Control over overheating is carried out through holes, through which a warm air jet dissipates. In addition, there are options with a base of plastic, ceramic, wood. The teeth on these combs can be made of nylon, metal, plastic, natural nap. It is worth noting that too frequent use of brashing with a hair dryer weakens the hair, especially thin and dyed.

Massage hairbrush

The name of this type of comb speaks for itself - its main function is to provide a massage effect for the head surface. Thanks to a soft rubber base, comb teeth descend to the desired depth, gently massaging the skin. Due to this, microcirculation improves in tissues, follicles receive more nutrients to improve growth and hair condition. Together with this, the massage brush for the hair combs well and smooths strands of any length.

Massage combs can have an oval or rectangular shape. They are made of plastic, wood, ceramics. The teeth are wooden, plastic, nylon, of natural bristles (horse hair, wild boars, etc.). If the teeth are not bristles, their tips must end with small balls protecting the skin and hairs from injury.

The comb-brush is also useful because it evenly disperses the sebum along the entire length of the curls, providing protection to the dry tips of the hair. At the same time, it is more prudent to use a massage brush for girls with excessively greasy hair, The problem can worsen. For strong, thick hair, the best option is a more rigid comb, for thin and dry hair - with soft, elastic teeth. Girls with very thick hair are recommended massage brushes with different teeth.

Wooden hairbrush

Combs from wood are advised for daily use by many specialists, because they are suitable for curls of any length, structure, type. It can be like a massage brush with wooden wide teeth, perfectly massaging the scalp, and a wooden comb-comb for the hair, ideal for combing thick long strands. For their production, wood of many species is used - oak, birch, pine, juniper, cherry, apple, pear, etc. It is believed that such combs favorably affect the hair condition, help to relieve stress, headache, etc.

Choosing a comb from wood, it is better to prefer models that are not covered with paint or varnish, so that natural material shows its useful effect. It should be remembered that these combs are fragile and short-lived, they are difficult to clean from contaminants. If a wooden brush or comb has darkened, it has lost smoothness, cracks and burrs appeared on it, the tool will have to be thrown away.

Silicone Hairbrush

A novelty among hairbrushes is a tool made of an alloy of silicone and plastic. Such comb-combs glide well along the strands, gently combing. This is especially important for girls with weakened and thin hair, including wavy hair. In addition, the silicone comb does not electrify the hair, it is easy to clean, durable. This type of comb is recommended for use in dyeing and perming, such material does not react with chemicals. Another silicone scallops are used for evenly spreading the length of the laying means, masks.

Ceramic Hairbrush

Combs from this material are mainly intended for thermo-hairdoing hairdryers . These can be brashingi and skeletal combs with a ceramic base, which does not overheat and protects the hair from overdrying during laying. By means of such tools it is easy to create curls or straighten curls. There is also a ceramic comb of massage type with special bristles, delicately affecting the scalp.

Professional hairbrushes

Any hairdresser has at his disposal a whole arsenal of different combs, having different purposes and configurations, many of which are not needed in daily use. They are distinguished by the highest quality of materials, high smoothness of surfaces, non-slip handles. Let's list some types of combs used in salons:

Which comb is best for hair?

With all the variety of combs yet the most used for every woman is a tool for home use every day, with which you can quickly give your hair a neat look. The fact that the comb is best to comb the hair, largely depends on the structure of the strands and their length. It should be remembered that the daily used hairbrushes should be regularly cleaned and preferably changed once a year to new ones.

Hairbrush for hair

Artificially elongated strands require special, gentle care, and combing for them is a very important process. To do this, a very soft hairbrush is recommended, preferably with natural bristles and without necessarily balls at the tips of the teeth. Contraindicated metal, wooden, plastic tools. In addition, you can use ridges with wide thin denticles.

Hairbrush for long hair

Long hair is a matter of pride, but at the same time caring for them gives a lot of trouble to its owners. The best comb for long hair - a wide rectangular massage brush on a soft base with natural teeth - made of wood, nap. Suitable and nylon combs, especially if the hair is thick and stiff, and also wooden and bone combs with long wide teeth.

Comb for curly hair

To give curls a beautiful appearance, it is very important to comb them correctly, and do it better when strands are wet. Massage brushes in this case it is better to completely exclude, because their application leads to raspushivaniyu hairs. The best comb for hair curling naturally or as a result of a curl is a large comb with rare teeth, which has an anti-static coating.

Hairbrush for fine hair

It is necessary to think about the question of how to choose the hairbrush correctly, to those girls who have thin hairs. Often they are dry at the ends, brittle, they are difficult to shape and volume. Hairbrushes with such qualities are recommended with the presence of frequent thin teeth of natural materials, which smoothly and smoothly flatten the scales on their surface. In addition, be sure to massage the scalp with a soft massage brush.

Comb for unraveling hair

From time to time, many owners of long and medium curls face the problem of tangled strands. If there is a "serious" koltun, in no case should you try to untangle it on dry hair. The strand should be soaked and applied to her balm . The most suitable comb for wet hair, which is confused, is a comb with rare teeth. In addition, special comb-brushes for tangled hair with teeth of different lengths are produced.