How are the signs of the zodiac vengeance?

Many do not even think that the way they take revenge depends on their belonging to this or that sign of the zodiac. To live comfortably in society, it is important to understand how a person behaves in a certain situation.

How are various zodiac signs taking revenge?


If he could not immediately respond to the offender with dignity, he already forgets about everything in a couple of days, so there is no need to talk about revenge. When the "negative" against him will be permanent, Aries will do everything to survive you from its territory.


Refers to revenge, like Aries. If he was brought, do not wait for mercy, he will avenge you in a refined and systematic manner.


His behavior is greatly influenced by the mood . Wait for revenge from the sign of the zodiac Gemini is after a long strain, as his patience can still burst.


Revenge is strange, causing people a sense of shame. For his part, he can just mess with you. His actions will be directed exclusively in this direction.

a lion

Will revenge even for the smallest deception. His actions are more terrible than "death," but they can be light and tougher. Therefore, it is better for you to sincerely ask for forgiveness at once.


Revenge in different ways, it all depends on your relationship. If revenge concerns a loved one, wait for an "account" for all the deeds done. Otherwise, you just pay with your time or work.


A childishly touchy sign, his revenge is very reminiscent of the usual whims. Most often, he simply tries to put the abuser in the place of what is reaching you, which is not available to you.


They support the principle of "Beating your own people so that other people are afraid." His revenge is to inflict enormous psychological and moral trauma.


It takes revenge theatrically, that is to show. He is the only sign of the zodiac, who succeeded in bureaucratic revenge.


Has a very strong nervous system. If you exceed all possible "limits", then the reaction will be devastating. In addition, he necessarily want to look at the result of their efforts.


He does not know how and does not like to take revenge. The only thing he can do is make an idiot of you. And it will be so ordinary for him that he does not even think that he has avenged you.


The sign of the zodiac signifies the Pisces "from the heart", since they are the most vindictive. He will simply achieve that you will go mad, from his constant pressure.

Now you know how different zodiac signs take revenge, and you will be at least a little ready for various "surprises".