Black cichlasma

Tsikhlazoma black-striped - unpretentious in content and breeding aquarium fish from the family of cichlids. She is very peaceful, able to live in relatively small containers and at the same time is an excellent decoration of the entire aquarium.

Description of aquarium fish black cichlases

A slightly flattened and elongated body of a fish can reach a length of not more than 15cm. However, such dimensions will only reach the male black-haired cichlasma, and then only in natural conditions. In the aquarium, this species grows to a maximum of 10 cm. The main color is represented by gray-blue tones, throughout the body there are transverse bands. It is very simple to distinguish between male and female cihlaz, since "man" is much larger than his "girlfriend" and has wide anal and dorsal fins, the endings of which are somewhat elongated. When spawning, the female acquires a bright orange color around the back of the belly. Often you can find the so-called white form of these fish - cichlazoma black-banded albino.

The content of black-haired cichlasma and its disease

Considering the fact that representatives of this species are not the largest of their family, their pair can be placed in containers with a volume of at least 50 liters. However, if there is a need for subsequent breeding of fish or combining them with other species, it is worth taking care of a larger aquarium with conditions characteristic of all cichlids. It is necessary to take into account the need of black-haired cichlasma in a large number of places for shelter, which can be formed from artificial or natural stones, snags and plants for the aquarium . Algae should have a powerful rhizome, because fish simply adore them to pluck when spawning or "clarifying the relationship." The bottom of the aquarium should be covered with pebbles or granite chips of medium size.

Temperature values ​​can range from +18 to 25 ° C, which is ideal for urban housing conditions. There is also a need for a weekly replacement of 30 percent of the water in the aquarium, the presence of an aerator and filter.

The diet of this species of cichlids should consist of both plant and live food. It is possible to feed fish with frost, seafood, croup, granulated or flaky adapted fodder. It is necessary to take into account the fact that obesity with black-banded cichlases is very common, so do not overfeed them.

Avoiding problems with the health of their pets is quite simple. It is necessary to observe simple rules for the care and maintenance of these cichlids, to apply quality and fresh feed. It is better to guard against the use of frozen worms or larvae, as they can serve as carriers of various infections.

Compatibility cichlasma black-and-white

Quite a peaceful nature of representatives of this species can be violated only by outbreaks of aggression, which manifest themselves during spawning. In general, the black-haired cichlazoma perfectly coexists with all other varieties of cichlids and other peace-loving fish. The main thing is that the "neighbors" should be about the same size, and not less.

Reproduction of the black-haired cichlasma

Fish of this species are capable of reproduction almost the whole year round, however, pushing the cichlazom black-haired to spawning can be by raising the temperature of the environment or replacing a large amount of water in the aquarium. The process of development of eggs takes a maximum of 96 hours, during which they are under vigilant observation of a pair of fish. The feces of the black-haired cichlazoma are formed from the larvae already on the 4th day and are distinguished by an astonishing appetite, which can be satisfied by zooplankton or by grinding ready-made feeds. As you can see, the breeding of the black-haired cichlazoma practically reduces only to monitoring the process and does not require any host-intervention.