Angora hamster

A small fluffy lump attracted by many amateurs of hamsters, shop sellers refer to the Angora breed. How then do they confuse their customers! In fact, this kind of hamster does not exist. It's just that sometimes such amusing long-haired animals are born. And, of course, how many indignations among the owners, when a family Angora couple suddenly born "naked" cub. Believe me, this is an ordinary Syrian hamster , not an Angora rabbit.

Why were the "fuzzy" singled out as a separate group? In the natural habitat of rodents, long-haired babies are almost never met. They have many enemies, because neither their quality of coat nor color is conducive to merging with the environment. Their less woolly relatives are yellowish in color, and they hide well against the background of grass. And among the Angora there are gray, white, cream, silver, black, spotted and even tortoise color. Also remember, in males the wool is much longer than in females, whose hair length is no more than two centimeters.

Angora hamsters - care and maintenance

Long coat requires careful care. And in other respects, in principle, care of Angora hamster is the same as for the rest of its relatives. Keep the rodent in a cage. But the usual litter of sawdust does not suit him, since she will surely become entangled in the long coat of the animal. Therefore, the sawdust is simply replaced with wood pellets.

Do not forget about the wheel. But it should be big enough so that the long hair does not prevent the baby from running around the original simulator for fun. Put a house that will serve a night in the daytime.

Angora hamster will have to periodically comb, pulling out of long wool entangled objects. But you can not bathe the animal. He can catch a cold. The rodent will cope with this task himself. In the help you can arrange in his "room" a sand bath, where your pet will take "loose" procedures.

And one more important remark - if you have two hamsters, settle them necessarily in different cells. These animals do not like their neighbors and even prefer to settle in a hundred meters from each other.

Angora hamster - food

Hamsters are very sensitive to the quality of feed. They need a balanced diet enriched with vitamins. And also fluffy babies love a variety in the diet. Often give vegetables, grains and fruits. They need a protein of animal origin.

From cereals choose millet, corn, flax and oats. Vegetables should be juicy, dry grass animals use to build their house. Fruits are apples, pears and bananas, and vegetables - tomatoes, pumpkin, leaf lettuce and carrots. Chicken meat, kefir and low-fat cottage cheese are an excellent replenishment of animal protein in the body. And please make sure that your pet always has fresh food.

There are also products harmful to the angora hamster. These are potatoes, cabbage leaves, citrus fruits, onions and garlic. And never give him any exotic fruits. Take care that the hamster does not eat fruit berry, because it contains a very harmful acid for the animal.

The lifespan of angora hamster

The life of the angora hamster is short. Only two - three years. If the conditions are ideal, the animal can survive for four years. Much depends on the conditions in which there was a hamster before buying, how it was transported and whether it is not sick with anything. And do not buy only a sucker who has come off from the mother, he can not survive, not knowing how to look after himself independently.