Three-year-old liar is the headache of parents

Period from three to four years, many parents are given difficult, and they first hear about the crisis of three years . In addition, that the period of the formation of a person with moods is replaced by a period of "why", the child begins to often deceive . Is it so scary and why does the kid begin to tell a lie?

Fantasies or lies?

Let's start with the fact that children's deception rarely conceals dark intentions. The fact is that at the age of up to five years the child simply does not need to deceive his parents, and he does not know how to do it yet. As a rule, the reasons are very innocent and fully explained by the peculiarities of behavior during this period.

In addition, let's not forget about the psyche of children at the age of 3-4 years. Their inherent forgetfulness is sometimes perceived as a deception. If in the morning your little one broke something or broke, then by evening he will say that he has nothing to do with it. He really can not remember this case. But there are also quite real reasons to tell a lie or distort facts.

  1. The kid can lie a little to justify your expectations. Unfortunately, we often place too great hopes on the child and expect more from him than he can. A crumb wants to be your best and therefore can slightly embellish the actual state of things.
  2. Lack of attention. In the modern rhythm of life, sometimes there is not enough time for a fairy tale before going to bed for a baby or a leisurely walk through the park. Babies remember very well when parents show increased attention to them and try to repeat this situation. So "sick tummy" is sometimes not a reason to shirk from the kindergarten, but a request for Mom's attention.
  3. Fear of being punished. Parents often betray too much importance to material things, public opinion or standards adopted in society. If the baby has torn a new thing or struck another child, while you are going on to scream or other terrible punishment for him, it is easier for the baby to lie.
  4. Imitation of adults. One of the reasons for the deception is often a personal example of parents. An innocent lie in our understanding for a child can become a pattern of behavior, and he simply does not know the boundaries of this innocence.

What should parents do?

The first thing you should learn is never abuse the child. Remember, when he only learned to eat independently and spilled porridge on the floor, you did not scold him for it. He just learned. Here the situation is similar.

Babies begin to deceive only if there is no other way. To avoid such problems, always start with yourself. Everything comes from the family, look for reasons in it. It is possible that you put too much pressure on the crumb and put an unbearable burden on it. Do not demand from him Olympic results in the sports club or leadership in the group. Praise him for small successes and emphasize worthy deeds.

Give the crumb enough time to avoid a lack of attention. Compensate the workload of the week among family holidays, and busy during the day with a book at night or a brief conversation with the discussion of the past day. By the way, if you promise the child something, fulfill it necessarily. You can forget this, but he does not. Show by personal example and ask for forgiveness, if you do not have time to fulfill everything on time.

And finally, several characteristic signs that the kid is deceiving or distorting the truth: