Didactic games on SDA

Any person is a participant in the traffic: someone as a passenger, someone - a driver, and the rest are pedestrians. In order that each of them knew how to act, so that no accident occurred, rules were created. Children get acquainted with them in the kindergarten, during the didactic games on SDA.

For the convenience of use, a special card file of didactic games is created, including the SDA. Let's get acquainted, what kind of entertainment it includes.

Didactic games on SDA

All games of this subject can be divided into 2 groups: study of signs or rules and behavior on the road.

The first group includes the following games:

In the second group of children's did. games on the SDA include:

To conduct all these didactic games, you need to make a visual material. It:

Since the game is a leading activity for preschool and primary school children , through it they quickly learn what can be done on the road, and what can not. Therefore, the use of children's didactic and mobile games for the study of traffic rules is reflected even in programs that are now being carried out in the educational and educational process in kindergartens.