Life after removal of the gallbladder

There are absolute indications for the operation and recommendatory. If it is vitally important for you to remove the gallbladder, doubts are lost by themselves. But in the case when there is an alternative - a constant intake of medicines, but the preservation of the body, many begin to doubt. We will tell you how life differs after removing the gallbladder from the usual for all of us.

Lifestyle after removal of the gallbladder

The woman's lifestyle after removing the gallbladder changes more than the male. Here the matter is mainly in physiology: the reproductive organs located in the abdominal cavity can move slightly higher. Therefore, pregnancy planning and other accompanying troubles will have to be carried out with extreme caution and not earlier than 2-3 years after the operation.

It will change after removal of the gallbladder and intimate life. In the first 2-3 months of sexual contact should be forgotten. If rehabilitation is successful, there will be no pain, and you will begin to do medical gymnastics on time, you can begin to have an intimate life after 4 months. The main rule is not to overexert yourself. Preferred missionary position and short frictions. Any contraction of the abdominal muscles can cause complications.

Here are the most popular physical exercises that you can start to perform one month after the operation:

With the help of moderate motor activity, we start the process of metabolism, which positively affects our health. Categorically, it is impossible after lifting to lift weights, perform the slopes of the hull and swing the press.

Life after removal of the gallbladder - important tips

Life after the operation to remove the gallbladder will be radically different from the usual only in the first year after the operation. If before the bile produced by the liver, got into the bile and accumulated there, acquiring the necessary concentration for digestion of fats, but now it directly gets into the duodenum. Its strength is not enough to process a large portion of food, so you need a fractional, but frequent meals. In order for the functions of the gallbladder to gradually assume the bile ducts and the hepatic canal, it can take from six months to a year. That is why during this period it is necessary to adhere to a special diet:

  1. In the first 10 days after the operation, the amount of liquid used should be reduced to 1.5-2 liters per day.
  2. During the same period, it is allowed to eat grated boiled vegetables, porridges on the water, soups.
  3. A month after the operation, you can additionally eat grated lean meat, fish. Recommended broth of dogrose.
  4. Starting from the second month after the operation, you can gradually switch to the usual dishes, but monitor the amount of fat - no more than 40 grams per day.
  5. With half a year it is allowed to eat everything, including fresh fruits and vegetables in small quantities. Refuse is desirable only from fried and smoked food.
  6. During the whole life dietary table №5 is recommended.

The lifespan after removal of the gallbladder directly depends on how accurately you follow these rules. If you are afraid that you have to constantly endure the pain, it is not. Patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis often wonder how much easier it became after the operation. Sharp pain in the right hypochondrium will be only during the first 10-15 days after surgery, and then completely disappear. If you do not have chronic diseases of the digestive organs, you will not even need any medication. Patients with a diseased liver can be assigned hepatoprotective agents.