Is it possible to be a godfather to several children?

Today almost every family, professing the Orthodox faith, strives to attach to this faith and its newborn baby. Most parents perform the baptism of the baby in the first year of his life.

Baptism is one of the seven sacraments of the Orthodox Church, during which the child's soul dies for sinful life and is born again for spiritual existence, in which he can reach the Kingdom of Heaven. Usually christenings become the main holiday in the life of a newborn and his family, they prepare for him for a long time, choose a temple, a priest and godparents, or recipients.

Sometimes during the choice of the parents, the question arises whether a person can be a godfather several times. Perhaps Mom and Dad want to invite the same people who baptized their older child. Or, one or both potential godparents have already become spiritual mentors for a baby born in another family.

In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to be a godfather to several children, and also in what cases it is impossible to become receptive to a newborn baby.

How to choose the godparents?

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to invite both a woman and a man to the role of godparents at the same time. For each child, only one child of the same gender is sufficient, as the godson himself. Thus, if you have a boy, take care of the choice of the godfather, and if the girl is godmother. If you doubt the choice of the second receptor, it is better not to invite anyone at all.

Godparents are spiritual guides for the baby. It is they who will later have to teach the child the basics of Orthodox life, accustom him to visiting the church, give him instructions and follow the righteous life of his godson. Spiritual teachers together with parents of the kid are responsible for it before God, and in case of misfortune with their mother and father they should take the crumb into their family and raise them on an equal basis with their children.

When choosing godparents , pay attention to their way of life. People who in the future will become for your child something more than just friends or relatives, should lead a righteous and humble life, visit the temple, pray and be pure in their thoughts. You do not need to invite people who you are interested in or who you are afraid to offend with your refusal as godmothers and dads.

Who can not be godfather?

First of all, the parents of the baby can not be the godmother, while other relatives can act in this role without any restrictions. This requirement also extends to adoptive parents who adopted their children. If you invite both the godmother and godfather, please note that they are not married. Finally, the most important and obvious thing is that people who profess a different faith than Orthodoxy can not be godmothers.

Is it allowed to be godmother to several children at the same time?

As for whether it is possible to be a godmother or godfather several times, the church does not impose any restrictions on this. You can easily invite to the role of the godfather of your elder child or other children, if you are sure that this person will become for them a spiritual mentor and friend and will fully fulfill his duties to God.

Meanwhile, baptizing two children at once, for example, twins, may not be entirely convenient for the godparent. After all, according to tradition, the recipient must keep his godson on his hands during the whole ceremony and take it from the font. Thus, if baptism of two children occurs simultaneously, it is better to choose your godfather for each baby.