Dyslasia in children

Dysplasia is a violation of sound reproduction in children, which occurs most often in preschool children, and it is at this age that logopedic work with dyslalia is the most effective.

The causes of dyslagia

The causes of dyslasia in children can be very diverse:

Types of dyslalia

Proceeding from this, two main types of dyslalia are distinguished:

Correction of dyslalia

Correction of dyslalia depends on the causes that caused the defect in sound reproduction. In the case of mechanical dyslasia, it is sometimes necessary to cut the bridle, sometimes - to correct the structure of the jaw and teeth, which can only be done by a qualified dentist.

But if it's a functional dyslexia, you can help yourself:

  1. First of all, do not imitate the child's pronunciation, pronounce the sounds clearly and distinctly.
  2. Do not embarrass the child with his wrong pronunciation, better work on developing the right articulation with the help of gay rhymes. Below, we give only a few of them.

Exercises for dyslalia

Sound processing "с":

A sparrow was sitting on a pine,

Fall asleep - and fell in a dream.

If he had not fallen in a dream.

I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

Sound processing "z":

The wolf sees a goat, and he has forgotten the storm.

At little Zina elder in the basket.

Sound refinement "sh":

Masha is sick of porridge

Masha did not finish the gruel.

Masha, eat the gruel.

Mom do not bother!

Sound refinement "ж":

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, and the horror is terrifying.

Do not live a snake, where hedgehogs live.

Sound processing "l":

Lena was looking for a pin,

And the pin fell under the bench.

Under the bench, it was lazy to look,

I was looking for a pin all day.

Sound refinement "p":

In the courtyard there is a hill, under the hill there is a mink.

In this burrow mole mink guard.

Sound refinement «Щ»:

The puppy squeaks pitifully, he drags a heavy shield.

At the same time, if, despite regular sessions with your child, you do not notice positive dynamics, while your child is already five years old, you need to get additional consultation from a speech therapist specialist.