When can I give grapes to a child?

Grapes are a delicious and healthy berry. However, in his childhood, his uncontrolled use can be dangerous to health. Let's find out whether it is possible for children to have grapes and when it is better to give the baby these berries.

Grapes for children - from what age?

Gradually introducing in the diet of the child lure, many parents are wondering whether it is possible, say, a one-year-old child to give grapes. There is no definite answer to this question, but doctors recommend giving these berries to babies no earlier than 2 years. The fact is that the grapes:

But at the same time the grapes have useful properties: it is an excellent source of potassium, B vitamins, fiber and organic acids. Grapes favorably affect the hematopoiesis and liver function, it is useful for inflammation of the respiratory tract and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

All this means that grapes can be consumed and needed, but only adhering to certain rules. Let's formulate them.

  1. Do not give grapes to kids until a year.
  2. From year to three years, grapes are possible, but in small quantities. It is better to give it in the intervals between meals, for example, at noon.
  3. Children under 3 years old are better off buying seedless grapes with soft juicy berries (kish-mish sort), and do not allow to eat skins: the immature infant's digestive system does not cope well with such a load. For the same reason, exclude bones.
  4. After the grape, neither children nor adults are advised to use dairy products, carbonated drinks, kvass.
  5. Do not feed the baby with unripe berries - this can provoke intestinal frustration.
  6. Grapes also have medical contraindications. It should not be eaten by children with such diseases as diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, colitis, ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.