Alec Baldwin admitted that 10 years ago he called the eldest daughter "a pig"

The 59-year-old American actor Alec Baldwin continues to talk about his memoirs, which are called "Nevertheless." Not so long ago, his interview about drug addiction appeared in the press, and today he appeared on the show "Good Morning America", where he told about his complicated relationship with the eldest daughter of Ireland and his father.

Alec Baldwin

Alec named the eldest daughter a pig

The book "Nevertheless" reveals many secrets of the personal life of the actor, and, as a rule, they are all not very pleasant. One of these was an insult to the first daughter of Baldwin, when she did not pick up the phone when he called. At that time, the girl was only 12, and she forgot the apparatus in the bedroom, carried away watching the broadcast on the TV in the living room. Her father was in another city and was trying to contact Irland, but there was no live communication. Then the actor, furious with the situation, said many unpleasant words to his daughter, calling her "reckless rude little pig."

Alec Baldwin with eldest daughter Irland Baldwin (2005)

That case for years to come has divided him from Ireland. The girl refused not to communicate with her father, but even to appear in his eyes. Over time, the relationship was a little smoother, but Baldwin still can not forgive this rudeness. So he described the situation with Ireland:

"Then it was a very difficult time. This situation happened at a time when I was at feud with Kim Basinger, the mother of our girl, and our relationship was very bad. Of course, Irland is not to blame for anything, and I had no right to talk to her like that. After this incident more than 10 years have passed, but I can not forgive myself until the end. Our relationship has developed, if I may say so, but in my life there are always people who do not let me forget about this difficult moment. I know for sure that when the press writes any news about me or Ireland, this situation comes up all the time. It causes unbearable pain, both to me and to my daughter. The wound does not heal, and I think that it will still remind us for a long time. "
Airland Baldwin, 2016
Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, 2000
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Alec spoke about his relationship with his father

In addition to his first wife and elder daughter, Baldwin was at war with another member of the family, his father. It was his Alekvin that his parents split up. As the actor said, the father and mother had wonderful relationships filled with love, but poverty and persistent debts destroyed them. Here's how Baldwin characterizes his relationship with the pope:

"From my youth I tried not to be like my father. Because of him, my mother became unhappy. That's why, from the very beginning of my career, I was obsessed with work. The desire to become rich destroyed my relationship with the pope. And I think that only thanks to this desire I became what I am now. "

In addition to relatives in his book, Alec recalls the relationship with actor Harrison Ford. In his "Good Morning America" ​​show, Baldwin did not elaborate on what had happened between him and Ford, but confirmed that Harrison did not like him. In addition, in the memoirs "Any" Baldwin calls Ford "a small sinewy and skinny actor."

Harrison Ford