Salad with black olives and chicken

Olives, although unloved by many, but, nevertheless, that part of humanity that favorably treats this product, can not disagree that nothing brings to the salad such piquancy as olives or olives in its composition.

Let's experiment and learn how to make a salad with olives and chicken.

Chicken salad with tomatoes and olives


For refueling:


Chicken fillet boil and disassemble on large fibers. Pasta is boiled in salted water until ready, after which excess water is drained, and the "bows" themselves are cooled and mixed with chicken. Tomatoes we cut in half or on quarters, depending on the size. Cucumbers are cut into thin semicircles, and olives by rings. All the prepared ingredients are laid in a salad bowl to chicken and pasta.

Garlic we rub with salt and pepper. Pour garlic paste with lemon juice, add mustard , lemon juice and mayonnaise. We fill the prepared salad with lettuce and sprinkle it with parmesan before serving.

Salad with chicken, pineapple and olives


For salad:

For refueling:


Chicken grease with olive oil on both sides, then season with salt and pepper. Fry the bird in a grill until full of readiness, after which we cool and cut. Pieces of pineapple are also fried on the grill until they are covered with an appetizing caramelized crust. Spread pieces of pineapple and chicken on a pillow of spinach, add olives and crumbled feta cheese. From above spread on a salad of chicken with olives thin ringlets of red onions.

For filling with a whisk, beat the oil with vinegar and honey in a homogeneous emulsion. Salt and pepper add to taste, complement the dressing passed through the garlic press. We pour the salad dressing and serve it to the table.