Easter cake glaze - recipe

Many hostesses bake cakes on their own for the Easter holiday. Recipes for the Easter cake are waiting for you below.

Sugar-protein glaze for cakes - recipe



Chilled proteins of chicken eggs are ground with lemon juice whisked well. Partly we introduce sugar powder, the eye will not leave a thick mass. Cover it with cold cakes.

Chocolate glaze for the Easter cake



In the saucepan, place butter, chocolate, sugar, pour orange juice, put the mass on the stove and, stirring, bring to homogeneity of the mass. Then the mixture is slightly cooled and applied to the cakes.

Sugar glaze for Easter cake - recipe



We sift the powder, connect it with water, place it on a plate and heat it up to a temperature of about 40 degrees, stirring to avoid burning. If the mass is too thick, pour a little more water, and if on the contrary too liquid, then you can pour the powdered sugar. Immediately apply the glaze to the cakes.

Glaze for cakes, which does not crumble



Chilled proteins are triturated with the addition of salt to the state of lush foam. Then in small portions, without stopping to whisk, pour the sugar. When all the sugar has been added, continue the whipping process for another minute. 4. We apply the glaze to the cooled cullets.

Glaze for cakes from sugar powder without eggs



In the sifted sugar powder, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and stir until completely homogeneous. We immediately put the glaze on the cakes.

How to make chocolate icing for cakes?



Sugar powder is sieved and mixed with milk, bring the mass on a small fire to a boil. Then add the chocolate, butter and, stirring, bring the mass until the complete dissolution of chocolate. Then we pour cocoa, starch and thoroughly mix. We cover the cake with slightly cooled glaze.