Glaze from sour cream

The glaze itself does not require any special skill in cooking, but the process is further simplified considerably if you take simple and accessible sour cream as the base ingredient for glaze.

Glaze with sour cream and sugar



The preparation scheme is elementary simple: sugar powder is sieved to get rid of the lumps, and then mixed with sour cream until complete homogeneity. Add to the mixture a little lemon juice (you can grate and peel) and cover the cupcakes with the finished glaze.

The recipe for chocolate coating on sour cream



The chocolate and sour cream frosting is prepared as follows: on a water bath, melt the crumbled black chocolate with a piece of butter. Stir the chocolate until it is completely homogeneous, and then mix it with the vanilla extract and corn syrup. Let the chocolate cool slightly, and in the meantime, whisk the sour cream with the sugar powder to homogeneity. Smetannuyu mass in batches mixed with melted chocolate and cover the finished chocolate glaze from sour cream our cupcakes.

Glaze with sour cream and cocoa



For glaze we mix sour cream, cocoa and sugar until homogeneity in a small bowl. We put the bowl with the mixture on a small fire and, stirring constantly, cook the glaze until the sugar dissolves completely (minutes 2-3). After that, put in a mixture of a piece of butter and mix well. Before you cover the confectionery product with a glaze, allow it to cool down a bit, otherwise it will simply absorb into your treat. Please note that if you want to make the icing slightly more chocolate and slightly bitter, then add more half a teaspoon of cocoa .

Light glaze with sour cream



The way of making such a glaze is extremely simple: sour cream is beaten with pre-sifted sugar and add milk. The finished glaze turns out to be rather liquid and in addition to covering the desserts, we also slightly impregnate them.