Vitamins for the liver

The liver is a multifunctional organ that is on the verge of destruction every second, as a filter of the body, liver cells take on all poisons, toxins, and decay products. Due to nutrition, saturated with vitamins for the liver, you help the liver in this endless struggle.

But not only the filtration is occupied by our liver. It regulates all metabolic processes in the body, producing enzymes and purifying the body of the products of decay. The liver is also a "storage chamber" for most vitamins and nutrients, including lipoproteins.

Factors affecting liver function

Every organ needs our support, so the liver needs vitamins useful for its work and vital functions. Especially, the diseased liver or the liver is subject to excessive loading.

Your liver is at risk if:

All these factors are harmful to hepatocytes - liver cells, now we can consider what vitamins are useful for the liver, to saturate it with building material for new cells.

Lipoic acid

Lipoleic acid is a vitamin-like substance that regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism in the liver. This acid serves as a catalyst for the liver, as if activating and enhancing its functions. Lipoic acid protects the liver itself from working with poisons, and also helps to synthesize new hepatocytes. With liver diseases, this vitamin should be taken from pharmacy products to ensure the right intake and assimilation of the sick body.

Vitamin E

As an antioxidant, vitamin E prevents the aging of liver cells and keeps them functioning at the proper level. This vitamin is useful for the restoration of the liver, since it helps the body to be complete, working stably without interruption. Vitamin E increases immunity and regulates the hormonal background of a person. They are rich in nuts and vegetable oils, as well as mountain ash, sea buckthorn and blackberries.

Vitamin C

With hepatitis, vitamins are more important than ever for the liver, because this disease just means the process of destruction of hepatocytes. First of all, vitamin C is important, which will act as a "shield" of the liver, increase immunity, protect against intoxication. Ascorbic acid makes the vessels permeable, establishes metabolism between the cells of the liver and, in fact, allows the body to recover. After all, the main feature of the liver is a great ability to regenerate, of course, with the necessary set of nutrients.

Trace Elements

For well-established work and good health, it is important to know not only what vitamins are needed for the liver, but also the necessary set of trace elements. After all, they strengthen the property of the body to suck vitamins in the intestines, and also provide protection of the liver from poisons. For example, selenium - the best "shield" of the liver from alcohol poisons and decay products, which are formed when removing medicines. In order to increase the supply of selenium to the liver, it is sufficient to enrich your diet with broccoli, pistachios, seafood.

Zinc will strengthen the properties of the liver in regeneration, strengthen the walls of the vessels and provide nutrition to the body. This microelement is found in eggs, mushrooms and in fish.

How else to help the liver?

Any disease of the liver is a sign that in your way of life, something is clearly not right. Excessive passion for alcohol gives an unbearable strain on the liver, fat and acute irritate both her and the entire digestive tract. In your diet should be more green, which is the best source of antioxidants, fish and high-quality, low-fat meat, because they are sources of essential amino acids, and for the formation of every cell, the body needs proteins.

Well, and night meals. From 22 to 2 hours there is a restoration of the liver. If at this time you are awake at the table, or simply do not sleep, the body also does not have the opportunity to relax, and how to carry out the cleaning work.

List of vitamins for the liver: