How many calories are in tea?

Tea is one of the most ancient beverages in the world, home to which is China. At us tea has appeared only in 17 century and since that time became the most widespread and favorite drink, people on advantage have estimated flavoring qualities and advantage which it renders on human health. Modern admirers of this drink are interested not only in medicinal properties, but in the quantity of calories available in tea.

How many calories are in tea?

Calorie content of tea depends on many factors, on how much time was spent on its processing, whether it is friable or whole-leafed, on the mode under which oxidation took place, and, of course, on additives.

By the degree of oxidation, tea is divided into green and black. We will talk about black tea, which is the most oxidized. The caloric content of black loose tea is 130 kcal per 100 grams, and the whole leaf is 150 kcal per 100 g. However, people who are watching their weight should not worry, because one cup of black tea contains about 3 kcal and 1 kcal of green tea.

Calorie content of tea can increase dramatically, if you use it with various additives. Often people drink an hour with sugar, which is fully absorbed by the body, while not doing any good. To understand how many calories in sweet tea can be counted: one teaspoon of sugar contains 35 calories, on average a cup of tea is added 2 teaspoons of sugar, this is 70 calories, and for the day we drink about 3 cups of this drink, tea can "give" 210 kcal, and this is already significant figures.

Caloric content of black tea with milk depends on the fat content of milk, so the indices range from 35 to 45 kcal, but unlike sweet tea, tea with the addition of milk can benefit the body, because, as you know, dairy products contain a decent amount of calcium, and, therefore, strengthen teeth and bones.

Caloric content of tea with honey averages 30 kcal. Honey contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins, useful chemical compounds, therefore, it has very valuable properties for health. In addition, it is proved that this sweetness helps to fight excess weight , since it helps to burn fat. However, if honey is added to hot tea, then it will lose most of its medicinal qualities, so it is worth using this delicacy just a snack with tea.