Yellow body cyst - treatment

The woman's organism, whose vocation is to be a mother, very much resembles a complex clockwork mechanism, where each of its components performs a certain function, and disrupting the work of one smallest link can disable the whole mechanism. So, for example, from the work of such an insignificant, at first glance, element of the reproductive system of a woman, like a yellow body, which is a small sac of liquid on the ovary wall and providing the necessary hormonal background, the possibility of the next menstruation, normal development and retention of pregnancy depends. And if suddenly the menstrual cycle breaks down, there are pains in the lower abdomen or bleeding starts requiring urgent surgical help (picture of the "acute abdomen"), the cause of this may be hypertrophy (excessive development) or in other words a cyst of the yellow body.

The main factor in its formation is the violation of the processes of resorption in the yellow body: the place of the burst follicle in the ovary is collected fluid, sometimes with blood, which because of the impossibility of normal blood and lymph circulation turns into a benign formation up to 3 cm in diameter. In addition, a significant role in the emergence of a functional ovarian cyst is played by hormonal imbalance.

How to treat a cyst of a yellow body?

Often formed during pregnancy, the yellow body cyst does not require treatment. Providing the development of the progesterone hormone responsible for the safety of pregnancy, at the time of 18-20 weeks it disappears, transferring its functions to the placenta. In other cases, the cyst of the ovarian's yellow body depends on the patient's history and the degree of impairment of the functions of her neuroendocrine system. It may include: