Gypsophila perennial - planting and care

Gypsophila, also known as a rolling mill, rocking or gypsum plaster, is a herbaceous semishrubby plant of the clove family. It includes several varieties of ground cover plants with graceful flowers that seem to float in the air on thin stems. On the bushes there are almost no leaves, but there are a lot of pearl inflorescences.

Gypsophila varieties of perennial

There are several types and varieties used for landscape design. This, in particular:

Planting gypsophila perennial

To grow perennial gypsophila it is possible in two ways - from seeds and seedling method. Seeds often plant annual varieties, whereas perennials mostly use the vegetative method of reproduction. But there are varieties that can be propagated by seeds. To do this, their seeds are sown in seedling boxes at a shallow depth and cover the crops with glass.

Boxes are placed in a bright and warm place and wait for the emergence of sprouting. This happens after 1-2 weeks. Then shoots need to be thinned, leaving between the sprouts of 15 cm or transplanted into individual peat pots. Seedlings at this stage require refreshing (best of all with special phytolamps), because they lack a short spring daylight.

How to transplant gypsophila perennial: when the seedlings grow 1-2 present leaflets, they can be transplanted to a permanent place. You need to pick up a suitable site for long-term growth in one place. Gypsophiles love the sun and do not like excessive moisture. The earth should be fertilized with humus and sprinkled with lime.

If you plant the gypsophila in rows, between each specimen you need to maintain a distance of at least 0.7 m, between rows - at least 1.3 m. The root collar must be above the ground when planting. After planting, the plants are watered.

The color of the gypsophila will begin only after it appears at least 12 pairs of leaves. The plant gets the best shape for the 3rd year after planting.

Gypsophila perennial - care

Gypsophila perennial after planting needs care, like any other plant. However, it is not too complicated, so that the cultivation of this plant is effective even for beginning gardeners.

Watering shrubs is only necessary during periods of drought, water is poured strictly under the root. Fertilizers need to be introduced, alternating organic matter and mineral top dressing. In total there should be 2-3 additional fertilizing per season. As an organic can act infusion mullein, but not fresh manure .

Gypsophila is a frost-resistant plant, but nevertheless young plants need to be covered with bark and leaves for the winter. During the flowering period, it will not be superfluous to make props for gypsophila to support heavy shoots.

After flowering, which falls in July-September, you need to prune. This will stimulate the formation of young shoots. Leave several shoots to ripen the seeds. On the spot flowers in the fall there are boxes with seeds that are collected and dried in a dry and well ventilated room. Keep dry seeds in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

In order to preserve the flowery ornamentation, every year the perennial gypsophila needs to be planted, digging out every second bush and transferring it to a new place. They can easily transfer the transplant, and the next year they are pleased with the flowering again.