Herring is good and bad

Experts recommend that fish regularly eat, perhaps, all people know. But all the same about the benefits and harm of herring it is worth talking to separately, because it is loved by many of us.

What is useful herring for the body?

This fish contains vitamins D, B 12, phosphorus and selenium . These trace elements are essential for bone tissue, they significantly increase the body's resistance to various infections, and also contribute to improving the performance of the heart muscle. Therefore, the benefits of herring are really great, because regularly eating this fish can strengthen the immune system and "forget about the diseases."

Experts calculated that if a person eats only 500 g of this fish per week, he gets the necessary amount of protein, which is contained in it in large quantities.

The benefit of herring for women is also that it contains vitamin E and organic acids. These substances help improve metabolic processes, make the walls of blood vessels more elastic, and thus slow the aging process of skin cells. It is believed that if you eat dishes from this fish 1-2 times a week, wrinkles will appear on your face not soon, and your hair will begin to grow much faster.

The Benefits and Harms of Salted Herring

Speaking about this dish, experts express their opinion ambiguously. On the one hand, it contains all the vitamins and substances listed above, on the other, the presence in it of a large amount of salt makes the food not so useful. You can not eat salted fish for those who want to lose weight, as well as those who have kidney diseases. Salt will cause swelling, getting rid of which will not be easy.

The rest of people can not eat this dish more than once a week. This will be enough to saturate the body with vitamins, but it will not cause a violation of the water-salt balance.