Aries is the first sign that opens the zodiac year. His energy and perseverance are suitable for the role of leader, so people of this sign of the zodiac easily carry others behind them, sometimes even imposing their own point of view.
Characterization of Aries begins with the fact that this sign is distinguished by its inconstancy. Such a person is not suitable for the role of a subordinate, besides, he does not like to be commanded. On the other hand, because of honesty and straightforwardness, Aries are very naive, something even reminiscent of children.
One of the characteristics of people born under this sign is that they are easily restored after a crisis situation. When others are still experiencing, Aries are full of energy and energy for other beginnings. For strangers, they are very mysterious, demanding not only to themselves, but also to the environment.
Aries Male - Characteristic and Compatibility
Representatives of the stronger sex who were born under this sign, always go ahead. They energize everything around them in motion. The behavior of Aries can easily bring a person to complete madness, and that the strangest thing he will like. Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac Aries is as bright as the people themselves, so a man born under this sign has a strong sexual energy. They may want sex anywhere and it does not matter whether there are people around or not. Aries are very jealous, even when they themselves require "devotion" from their partner in the "stigma in the cannon". It is very important for them that the partner immediately answer all the questions, since after a while they will not be interested in this at all.
Compatibility sign Aries
For men born under this sign, the best companions are women with such zodiac signs: Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. Each of them will bring something new to the life of Aries, thereby diversifying it even more.
Earth signs will cast boredom on the cheerful Aries men, so alliances with Capricorn, Taurus and Libra are undesirable or fleeting. With Leo, it's more expensive to contact yourself, because there will be constant fatigue from the struggle for leadership.
Aries woman's characteristics and compatibility
Such representatives of the weaker sex have an overestimated self-esteem and a constant need for independence. Idealists in life, they often say that they think and do not even think that this can offend the interlocutor. Behind the mask of a strong man lies a weak lady, who is very lacking in love, warmth and romance. Freedom-loving woman-Aries is always busy with something, she likes to feel superior in relations. Over the years, its energy is only added. Compatibility with other signs of the zodiac completely coincides with the male version.
Love characteristic of Aries
By their nature, very temperamental and passionate people try to constantly show it to others. Their love is like a bonfire, which, if it receives a response to its feelings, flares up even more. In love, Aries wants everything at once, which sometimes leads to negative consequences. If you are always on a volcano of passions, Aries is perfect for you.
Behind the restless energy lies a small vulnerable boy, if a woman will get it to consider, then Aries will definitely appreciate it. By nature, an intelligent man wants to have a person next to him who will be suitable for him. Life next to Aries will not be easy, but it will be difficult for a woman to abandon her.
Sexual characteristics of Aries
Because of the high energy is very active in the field of sex. Men during sex often make different sounds, women sometimes take a leading position and begin to lead the process. Aries always choose their own partners, their attacks are diverse, as they do not like to wait for them to pay attention . They always and everywhere tend to be winners and they often get it.