The question of whether a walker is needed remains open for a long time. Sometimes mothers get used to this device so much that without it they can not. Some doctors believe that in this device there is nothing wrong, while others, on the contrary, categorically forbid putting the baby in a walker. In any case, to do this earlier than the child will reach the age of 6 months, categorically not, and for older children it is not always harmless.
In this article we will tell you from what age it is possible to put a child in baby walkers, and whether they will be of use if done in a timely manner.
At what age is the child put in a walker?
The average age at which moms resort to using a walker is 7-8 months. Meanwhile, to a greater extent, the opportunity to put the child in this device is conditioned not by his age, but by physical and psychological readiness. A kid, who can be safely put in a walker for the first time, must have the following skills:
- stand up by yourself at the support;
- sit, not falling over, for a long time;
- crawl on all fours.
In what cases, categorically you can not use a walker?
There are certain contraindications, in which the child can not be categorically put in a walker, regardless of his age, namely:
- lowered or elevated, as well as uneven leg tone;
- rickets;
- violation of the function of the musculoskeletal system;
- the child has any damage to the skin in those places where he touches the walkers.
At what age can you put a boy and a girl in a walker?
Despite the significant physiological characteristics of boys and girls, pediatricians recommend putting them in a walker at the same age - not earlier than 6 months, provided the child is physically ready. It should be remembered that when in a walker, the baby's legs should be on the floor full foot. If this is not achieved, you should wear orthopedic sandals.
In addition, the device should be adjusted for the growth of the child, so as not to rub and not injure the genitals. Finally, it is worthwhile to limit the time of the crumbs' stay in the walkers - the total duration of their use per day should not exceed 40 minutes, but start no more than 3-5 minutes.
What kind of walkers to choose?
Now in children's shops are presented various kinds of walkers, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages:
- Classic walkers have the simplest design - they have the form of a frame, which is located on the wheels, and inside it is placed a seat for the baby. When choosing such a device, pay attention to the possibility of adjusting the seat and the stability of the entire structure.
- Walking-transformers combine the functions of classic walkers, rocking, and gaming panels. When choosing this option, you should give preference to the model with a removable table top.
- Finally, the safest kind of walker - go-cart. They are an elementary design on the wheels, which the kid pushes in front of him, leaning, thus, trying to walk. At the same time, there is no strain on the spine, which is more dangerous than ordinary classical walkers. Meanwhile, when using a wheelchair, it is also necessary to monitor the correct setting of the feet, because they often provoke the formation of a mishmash in the wrong gait.
In any case, it is worth choosing a walker with the maximum number of wheels, because the more of them, the less likely that the crumb will accidentally turn over. The optimal number of wheels is 6-8 pieces.