Rudbeckia perennial - planting and care, simple tricks of a luxurious flower garden

Beautiful long-term Rudbeckie, planting and caring for which will not be difficult, looks great both in independent plantings, and in compositions. To date, there are about 40 varieties and almost all of them are well established and are unpretentious. Depending on the type of flowers can be different shades.

Rudbeckia in landscape design for summer residence

This plant can be considered universal, because it looks great both in the fence and the building, and in the garden. Low-grown perennial varieties can be used to plant them off the garden paths and sidewalks. The flower of rudbeckia perennial is appropriate in any mixborder . If you use tall varieties, then plant them in the background to cover long stalks with other plants, caring for which is simple, for example, asters or chrysanthemums. To add variety, rudbeckiyu can be combined with cereals.

Rudbeckia - the time of flowering

If you want to decorate your site with a plant with bright flowers that will please you for a long time, then plant Rudbeck. The beginning and the end of flowering in different varieties may differ, but in general this period lasts from the middle of summer until late autumn, therefore it is considered that perennial Rudbeckies are autumn flowers. To flowering was lush and long, it is necessary to remove the dried parts of the plant in time.

Rudbeckia perennial - varieties

There are many varieties and the most popular species for our region include the following:

  1. Scattered. An unpretentious species of rudbeckia, which is considered to be the highest, as the stem reaches 2 m.
  2. Brilliant. The branchy low-growing plant (80 cm in height) blooms with luxuriant flowers for 40 days.
  3. Hairy. The name is associated with a strongly pubescent stalk. Its height can reach up to 1 m. Flowering is abundant and long, if care is carried out correctly.
  4. Glossy. A tall view, the stem of which can reach up to 2 m. The name is associated with the presence of brilliant flowers of ovoid form.
  5. Two-color. Petals can combine yellow, orange and purple. Flowers have a convex dark flower-bearing.

Rudbeckia - planting and care

For planting, you can use both purchased and harvested seeds. In the first case, be sure to check the expiration date, and in the second - sift them, so that there are no empty copies. It is useful to make heating of the planting material for disinfection. Note that large seeds germinate well. For proper planting and care of the flower of rudbeckia, it is important to know about the main diseases and pests that can ruin planting.

  1. Rarely can there be such a problem as powdery mildew , which is indicated by a white coating on the leaves and stems. To get rid of this disease use 1% solution of colloidal sulfur for spraying or copper sulfate.
  2. Rudbeckia has a perennial plantation and care for which was carried out with errors, a leaf nematode may appear, as evidenced by brown spots that provoke wilting plants. For treatment use special preparations or the bushes are simply removed and burned.
  3. When growing rudbecki, you need to regularly check the leaves for the presence of pests: beetles, caterpillars and spider mites . For each pest there are preparations for struggle.

Growing Rudbeckia from Seeds at Home

To plants have started, it is recommended to sow the seeds in advance for seedlings. First, you need to figure out when to plant Rudbeckia with seeds, so this is the period from late February to early March. The seeding process is as follows:

  1. Seed containers fill the nutrient substrate and plant in them 1-2 seeds. Top with a small amount of land and it is better if it is from the flowerbed, where in the future will be planted seedlings.
  2. Instead of the usual watering, you need to spray for a proper care from a small spray.
  3. Place the container away from direct sun rays, where the temperature is not less than 22 ° C. Large temperatures are also not recommended. To create a greenhouse effect, cover the container with film or glass.
  4. Seedlings can not be watered heavily, otherwise illness will arise.
  5. If the landing took place in a common container, then in the phase 2-3 of these leaves is dive into individual cups.
  6. Quenching seedlings should be in early May. To plant it is necessary, when at night already there will be a plus temperature. The distance between the bushes for proper growth and lightweight care is 50-60 cm.

Rudbeckia planting and care in the open ground

If you do not want to spend time growing seeds at home, then at the end of June you can sow in the open ground. Choose for this open area, which should be loosened and properly poured. To grow a long-lived Rudbeckia, planting and care must follow the rules:

  1. On a leveled soil, spread a thin layer of seeds, which are best mixed with sand beforehand.
  2. On top of the bed, sprinkle with peat or humus, and then, gently pour, using a watering can with a nozzle. Seedlings can be seen in about 14 days. If necessary, they should be weeded out.

Over many years of mining, maintenance in the open field does not require much effort, and you just need to follow a number of rules.

  1. Spend regular watering, but it is worth knowing that the plant tolerates short droughts. The next day, a shallow loosening is carried out.
  2. For the season, 1-2 additional fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers should be made.
  3. Tallest bushes should be tied up, otherwise the branches may break.
  4. Rudbeckia is frost-hardy, but in the northern regions bushes should be covered with grass. Previously, they will have to be cut off, leaving 15 cm of stalk above the ground.