When to transplant chrysanthemums in the autumn?

Chrysanthemum is a frost-resistant plant and completely unpretentious. Many of us on the plot have at least one of its kind. You can often see chrysanthemums in flower gardens and botanical gardens. By their flowering these plants please us until the very late autumn. But nevertheless very many inexperienced or beginning gardeners are interested in the question: is it possible to transplant chrysanthemums in the fall?

When can chrysanthemums be transplanted in the fall?

Chrysanthemums are best transplanted in the spring, and in the autumn, dig out bushes along with a large clod of earth and clean them for wintering in a dry basement room with a temperature of +5 degrees. But if you have winter hardy varieties, then you can transplant them in the fall, only you should correctly calculate the time of planting.

The most suitable time for planting chrysanthemum in autumn is in late September - early October. A cloudy or even rainy day will be the most ideal day for planting.

Remember: in order that your bushes are well established, for planting in the fall, choose those plants on which the radical shoots were formed. During this period, it is not necessary to plant shrubs that bloom, since there is a risk that they will not take root and die.

How correctly to transplant a chrysanthemum in the autumn?

When planting their chrysanthemum bushes, do not go deep into them, and add enough fertilizers to the pit being dumped: about 4 kg of peat, humus or compost . Fertilizers mix very well with the soil in a 1: 1 ratio.

Wells under the planting of chrysanthemum should be a depth of 40 centimeters. Pour them well with water, make a drainage, top up a little on the prepared soil. Then put your bush and fall asleep. Do not forget that you do not need to deepen. If your chrysanthemum is large, put a support for it.