Sinekod - analogues

Sinecod refers to antitussive drugs of central action, but does not belong to the group of narcotic drugs, as most of the remedies with a similar effect. Analogues of Sinecode first of all should be sought among the drugs of the same class.

How to replace Sinecode with a dry cough?

An important aspect is the scope of the drug - from what you can replace Sinekod, you should choose antitussive drugs aimed at fighting precisely with a dry cough . This phenomenon occurs in the initial stages of the common cold, with allergic and inflammatory processes in the bronchi that are not accompanied by a bacterial infection. According to the active substance, butramate, there are several analogues of the Sinekod medicines, which completely coincide with it in the field of application and action:

Most of these drugs are released in the form of dragees, tablets, syrups and drops - depending on the concentration of the active substance and age categories of patients. Contraindications they have little, mostly it is an individual sensitivity to butamirate, lactose and ethylene. Side effects are manifested by nausea and diarrhea. In rare cases, skin rashes and drowsiness may occur.

A group of antitussive drugs of central action that block the brain regions responsible for the cough reflex include non-narcotic medications with another composition:

They are close to Sinekodu and are applied approximately on the same scheme - 3 times a day after meals. Dosage is selected individually.

Of drugs that affect the opiate receptors of the brain, blocking cough, such means are still actively used:

Their main disadvantage is rapid addiction and severe drowsiness as a side effect. Due to the fact that the effect on the receptors has no selectivity, depression of the respiratory function may develop. These and other features of the use of drugs of this type significantly narrow the scope of application.

It is necessary to think carefully about the consequences, before replacing Sinecod with one of these drugs.

As a possible alternative, you can also consider drugs that are not central, but peripheral. They act directly on the respiratory system, relaxing the smooth muscles and lifting the spasm. The nerve endings of the brain are not involved at all. Here is a list of the most popular medicines of this group:

Of folk remedies, flowers and lily blossoms, as well as licorice in all species, have a similar effect.

Medicines for productive cough

If you start spitting, use Sinecode should be stopped immediately, it will avoid complications. How can I replace a medicine in this case? Analogues of Sinekod drops, which are used to facilitate the withdrawal of sputum and clear bronchi, this all known mucolytics to us:

If you prefer pharmacological agents, pay attention to Ambrobene and Lazolvan. Advantages of these drugs do not need excessive advertising - gently affecting the smooth muscles of the bronchi, they provoke the departure of phlegm. The composition of mucus under the action of the drug also changes, it becomes less viscous. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect make recovery quick and easy.