Watermelon during pregnancy at a later date

The last months of pregnancy - the most exciting period in the life of the future mother. A lot of questions require immediate answers and, in the first place, a pregnant woman worried about her diet. This problem is especially topical for those who will have to give birth at the end of summer or early autumn. As a rule, during this period, the shops and markets are simply filled with various useful delicacies. What is only a juicy huge berry called watermelon. Whether to deprive yourself of such pleasure, so as not to risk the health of the baby, let's find out.

Can you watermelon in the last month of pregnancy?

In order to answer the question, is it possible to watermelon late in pregnancy, the future mother needs to critically assess the state of her health at the present time. As you know, in the last months of pregnancy, many women suffer from swelling, and some do not know firsthand what it is . In such cases, it should be taken into account that the watermelon has diuretic properties, so it is not worthwhile to load the kidneys, which already do poorly with the assigned functions. In addition, the answer to the question of whether watermelon can be negative in the last month of pregnancy is negative if the mother:

However, we hurry to reassure future mothers, and we will not impose an unequivocal taboo on watermelon during late pregnancy. After all, in addition to the fact that this berry is very tasty, it is a storehouse of useful microelements and vitamins. In particular, the watermelon contains vitamins: A, B1, B2, B9 (folic acid), C, PP, and also minerals: magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, iodine, copper, cobalt, fluorine. Watermelon will help prevent anemia, strengthen the nervous system, eliminate constipation and digestion. Actually, therefore, categorically refusing watermelon on the last terms of pregnancy is not worth it. In the absence of the above contraindications, the expectant mother may well indulge herself with this delicacy. A few slices of watermelon will not cause harm to the body of the mother and baby, on the contrary, will improve mood and well-being. However, do not forget that the choice of watermelon during pregnancy in later terms should be approached carefully. You can not buy it until the end of August, when there is a massive harvest. Since in this period the probability to acquire a berry that does not contain nitrates is much higher.